Alert !!!!! Buckwheat is not washable!!!!!

by Thunder Rider 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy


  • Valis

    hmmm making beeer are we?


    District Overbeer

  • SheilaM

    Damn ....yep that is what I was doing uhuh how'd ya guess

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    That happened to a friend of mine, only the cat peed on their head in the middle of the night and it also got all over the 'buckwheat' pillow.... there was no way to get it out.... hmmmm, I don't think they ever thought of putting it in the washer (good thing..hehe). bottom line, the cat was history the next day... got sent off to the rainbow bridge because that was the LAST in a long line of mental problems that couldn't be overcome.

  • desib77

    May have to invest in a new one.....

    Hehe, I've had my fair share of household mishaps... I washed my roomate's pink rugs and blue rugs together and made ugly grey rugs....


  • Xandria

    Poor Shelia... ((Hugs)). She looks like "Wwwhat I did not know it would explode!" At least she is bailing water.


  • Sunnygal41

    OMG!!!!! {{{Poor Sheila!!!}}}

    I can top that story tho............I have two day, I decided to let a fluffy persian stray was soooo cold out...............then I went out for quite a while...........when I got back.........said persian was on top of the stove because my two cats wouldn't stop beating her up..........she had pissed and shit up there also..............ever smell hot urine on a stove burner.........? It's gross! I will never forget that stench as long as I live!!!!


  • Special K
    Special K

    Holy Cow, sheila..What a freakin' mess.

    Better pop the top off your sea silver... even I wouldn't mind a swig of it after a bad day like this...

    Drink it like beer. lol..

    Buck wheat? Looks nasty when it's wet.

    It will take a bit to get this all cleaned up.

    You need Mr. Clean and the white tornado.


    special K

  • nilfun

    OMG! Sheila, I feel for you, especially that last picture!

    psst, xjw_b12, thats Stymie you got there. heh.

    ~nilfun, of the "at least you didn't post a pic of farina" class

  • Yerusalyim

    I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it.

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