What does everyone do on the forth of April after sun down?

by PinTail 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    Do as you will if it makes you feel better to remember Jesus in that way only one out of 365 days a year. Personally, if He is worth appreciating, I'd do so by random acts of kindness to "one of His".

    Good point, Carmel.

    I will be watching TV, season finale of American Dreams, and probably falling asleep early.

  • Joyzabel


    welcome to the board. (I don't think I've welcomed you before)

    Please read Galations from an old Living Bible.

    Anyone who accepts Jesus as his saviour is welcome to participate in the Lord's Evening Meal. Jesus didn't say come & observe.

    The last Memorial I attended I was very offended by the rejection of Jesus. That's what I saw, over 10 million people gathering to reject Jesus.

    Go with your heart on this one. The WTBTs uses the scriptures to their own advantage.


  • Puternut

    The scriptures mention to keep commemorating this 'until he arrives'. According to the witnesses, he arrived in 1914. Then why are they still celebrating this event?

    Plus the fact that according to them, only the little flock can partake. Then why does the great crowd attend? Wasn't it a covenant between the 144000 and Jesus?

    I don't see the point in having the emblems passed around, and listening to a talk that doens't apply to the majority that are there.

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Carmel, I like your idea about random acts of kindness to "one of His". I plan to take that to heart on the 4th of April. I'll start my own tradition. Thank you for the suggestion.


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