Did you get fooled?

by desib77 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • desib77

    So, as April Fools is drawing to an end......did you get fooled?

    I sure did....

    I work at home. My coworker works in the office. He called to tell me that he overheard the bosses talking about letting me go.................. my heart just about stopped..........

    Then he said, "April Fools!"


    So, did you fall for anything?


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    It tends to be very hard to fool me, since April Fool's is my birthday (the doctor told my parents I was going to be born in March, and be a boy...April Fool's!) and I'm always aware of what day it is!

    It is not funny to joke about being fired!

  • xjw_b12

    Hiya Thumper . No no fooling me. Nothing at work, and I purposely went on JWD looking for the "jokes" and as soon as I saw "Brother Green's post with a big red X I just laughed.

    However I did get a few people in my workplace, with my re -labelling of the coffeee creamers in the refridgerator.

    xjw_b12 who loves a good joke and aspires to be as funny as "holy cheeses" and "shotgun"

  • Sassy

    Well.. I woke my bf up this morning and whispered in his ear.. Baby, I'm pregnant...


    course then I started giggling.... and had to say APRIL FOOLS...

    he says that wasn't very funny at all.....

    I THOUGHT IT WAS!! tee hee

  • xenawarrior

    I sent a male friend of mine some flowers at work along with a card decorated with hearts which said :


    Thank you soo much for such a WONDERFUL evening !! WOW !!

    I can't wait to see you again !

    Love & Hugs


    I wrote the card and made it big and it was on one of those sticks without an envelope

    I then called one of my client's offices and left a message for him with his secretary that I was "Ms. So and So from the Green Bay Dance Studio- can you leave a message for "X" that his Ballet Lessons are cancelled for this evening?

    hehehehe I LOVE April Fools

  • desib77




  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Desi Thanks

    Sphere - I know! Me too! I just show them my driver's license. They don't know what to think then, they're so sure it's a joke.

  • bebu

    xenawarrior, boy am I glad I am not your client! YIKES.

    My sons have been working on pulling pranks all day. I've intercepted a few of the more devious ones: e.g., saran-wrapping the toilet before my husband went in. I figure I saved a life today...

    I was trying to pull a prank on one of my sons, but couldn't figure out how quite to do it: to take a picture of the desktop (with print screen button), next put all the desk icons somewhere else, and then set the picture of the desktop as WALLPAPER. Of course, nothing he clicked on would work. An evil plan! Bwahahahahahaha!

    Unfortunately, I could not get the icons off the desktop... guess they're made to stay there.



  • xenawarrior
    xenawarrior, boy am I glad I am not your client! YIKES.

    LOL bebu !! You'd have to know this client !! I've been working with him for about 20 years and he's hilarious. He's also the one who purposely took a fast turn and dumped me out of the golf cart last summer at a golf outing-right in front of everyone !! We play jokes on each other all the time. All in good fun !!

    BTW asleif- HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Too funny. It's nice to work with people that you can get to know and have a good time.

    Thanks for the b-day wishes. People haven't made such a fuss over my birthday since I was a kid!

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