Note to the blind ones (anti-apostasy)

by Razor 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • galaxy7

    Whenever anything bad happens witnesses are in their glory saying "see the bible fortold it", they just love bad news.

    The witnesses love being persecuted it makes their self esteem go up.

    So I wont make your day by sayng anything mean

    go with god

    i will leave you with one thought though


  • avishai

    Darnit, U_R, ya stole my thunder.

    Kid, Why don't ya talk to my bro. His molestation was covered up by the likes of you. Still wakes up screaming. Nearly 20 years later. The molester went on to molest dozens more. The WTS? Did jack-shit. Go home. Go tell the elders you are on this site. Then see what happens.

  • Corvin
    In the end I know how you people think and why you abandon Jehovah. You enjoy to have your ears tickled and you want to be able to enjoy things such as drugs, fornication, lieing, adultry, drunkeness. Things that Atheism and other religons don't encourage you not to do.

    Cut and run like the curr you are.

    I have been out of the org for 14 years and I do not do drugs, I am faithful to my wife whom I love. And I have always been there for my precious children, who by the way, some of which, have attempted suicide and are going to counseling for the emotional and spiritual abuse perpetrated by their fanatical JW mother and stepfather. The kicker is that the PO in their congregation knew about the abuse and DID NOTHING to intervene on the behalf of those innocent children. The suicide attempt was the result of, after having gone to the elders for help, they instead were blamed and held accountable for their mom's and stepdad's actions and received NO HELP. They felt trapped with nowhere else to go, as do so many other poor JW kids I grew up with.

    You sir just hit a nerve and it would be a good thing if we never met in person unless you apologize to each and every X-JW on this board for your cruel insensitivity and self-righteous air. You have no idea what I, my children and all the others on this board have gone through and HOW DARE YOU!

    One of the elders who was on the committee to df me for smoking had been for years, and still was SMOKING himself and cheating on his wife pioneer wife. . . it goes on.

    I was born and raised in the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. I have been instrumental in bringing more new ones into the org than most fulltime pioneers. (my regrets)

    All those I knew in the org were "lack of self-controllers" in some way or another, but I always looked the other way because brother Floyd Kite told me that we are all imperfect and not to judge. An entire congregation I attended as a child was completely deleted and its members sent to other congregations. The Kingdom Hall is now a "Babylon the Great" church where pagans now worship. The family members who were and are in "the truth", all of them self-righteous, hypocritical, finger pointing, arrogant and ingnorant hicks; no matter what I did or said, they always used "the truth" to cut and injure me and others. I took it and overlooked it because I was conditioned to have the self-esteem of a speed bump.

    I can forgive most people just about anything, however, with the measure you are measuring out, it will also be measured out to you. The WTBTS's critical finger is outstretched and pointed at all of us and the nations and other religions in condemnation. That critical finger is attached to 3 more fingers pointing right back at the WTBTS. They have lied, prophesied falsely, wrongly interpreted scriptures that have cost faithful JW's their lives. They do not admit their errors, but they insist that we as good Christians should. They do not apologize when they counsel all of us make amends when we have done wrong AND they do not confess their sins when they tell us it is the only way to forgiveness. We "apostates" or I prefer, "clear thinkers" have the GOD-GIVEN right to hold the organization up to the same critical light and standard it judges everyone else by! And by God, we do and we will!

    I believe the Bible and God, not the everchanging rules and edicts of a man-made organization.

    I am not saying that I am right and you are wrong, although, I am and you are, but you, sir, should look again.

    Are you in "the truth"? Is the truth in you? Perhaps neither is the case. Nobody really knows . . .


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.


    My good friend, and most evil apostate bastard, xjwb12, has been looking for you. Please don't do your dirty work and run. You are doing a necessary work - us apostates need useless turds like yourself. Where else can we constructively vent our feelings.

    In anycase, I sympathise with you. I understand what you must be suffering. It certainly must be almost unbearable to be wearing a soiled nappy, enduring the discomfort of a chafed arse and not having mommy around to change it for you.

    Consolation and relief is just a short step away. Follow avishai's sound advice - tell the elders that you took on the evil apostates on their very own turf. Their response will be most satisfying to you.

    cheeses. Incidentally, my avatar depicts your typical JW - head stuck up backside, oblivious to the real world in which the majority of us reside.

  • SYN

    Hi Razor,

    You'll change your mind soon, no doubt. Have you seen the UN documents? It ain't easy to pretend the Governing Body wasn't pulling a big old bag over everyone's eyes for 10 years once you've read that letter...people in Malawi died because the GB prevented them from buying a 20 cent political card, and yet the GB was allowed to associate with the "WILD BEAST" for a you not detect ANY hypocrisy here? These are the people who tell you how you should lead your life!


  • Maya

    Razor, you're GROUNDED!!

    Now go to your room...............

  • Corvin
    As for the Silent Lambs my Uncle owns that site so its nothing new to me. He never was a strong JW and had gotten disfellowshiped along the line and I guess he decided to serve his revenge on a platter.

    Hmm . . . really???

    According to an article from Associated Press, your uncle, if indeed he is your uncle, William Bowen,

    " . . . founded silentlambs three years ago after he quit as an elder in Draffenville, Ky."

    You are not above lying yourself, are you nut job? You are doing a fine job of modelling the WTBTS . . . think about it.

  • woodland

    I think Razor is sweet really. I remember having arguments with people about the blood issue and abortion etc. when I was at school. I was totally convinced that I was right, and they were wrong?

    It?s only when you grow up that you realise this world isn?t black and white? it?s grey, a bit like the British weather!

    I?m afraid no one is right all the time Razor: not you, not us, not your Mum and Dad and not the Jehovah?s Witnesses. We?re all just as imperfect and sinful as each other, and my darling, we?re all going to die? Going to meetings and having fanatical ideas and fanciful hopes for the future isn?t going to save you from nature.

    Just keep in mind that such a pious attitude will not get you far in life and will make you lead a very narrow and confined existence.

  • freein89

    Hmmm. This Razor person is disobeying a direct order from "the organization" which everyone knows is entrusted with leading the
    sheep (to slaughter) How faithful can this person be while doing what is wrong in the eyes of Jah? Makes me think of a scripture that says something about "He who is faithful in little . . . " How does that one go Razor?


  • LittleToe

    1Cor.13:11 "When I was a babe, I used to speak as a babe, to think as a babe, to reason as a babe; but now that I have become a man, I have done away with the [traits] of a babe." NWT

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