How wonderful that you all are taking the energy to help those around you understand exactly what it meant, and how devastating it was, to be a Witness. I find that sometimes I may overdo it, but I am learning to keep my "social antennae" (as faulty as it is, at times) up to look for an opportunity at the *right* time.
Unfortunately, those that weren't involved with them or another destructive cult can't really emotionally understand the complete and utter devastation that encompasses one upon finding out the truth, but they can at least be warned of the potential dangers. I think the best testament, in my case, is the six wrecked childrens' lives, in the living examples of myself, my brothers and sister. We are all healing, but it's been hell getting here. There's other family issues that contributed to this wreckage, but the religion played an equal part, I believe.
Congratulations to you all for taking the opportunities presented to you to warn others. I sometimes feel that by doing this, I am paying off a great karmic debt, and maybe undoing some of the harm.