Samuel Herd Glad the GB changed its mind about blacks!!!

by frankiespeakin 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I think Sam is very grateful for the new light over the years,, because for many years the WT taught that blacks were,, defective,, and made very good slaves.

    I think CT Russell live pretty close to the Mason-Dixon line, to ever have a black on his board of directors.

  • simplesally

    I don't think I ever heard that as a former belief/doctrine.

  • frankiespeakin


    First let me say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

    O yes it if common knowledge,,in the WT old literature they claim "blackness" is a curse that god will remove,, and Russell can be quoted in the WT as saying blacks should be willing to take the the lower class seats segregated from the whites and not be proud and make a fuss,, he also said they make the best slaves.

    Maybe someone with the cd for old literature can post some WT quotes.

  • simplesally

    The CD's don't go back to the old literature in the 1800's......... Still I never heard this. Anyone else hear this?

  • Puternut

    I heard CD's weren't invented until just a few years ago

  • maxwell

    I never heard or felt anything like this while I was a JW, but the freeminds website has several Watchtower quotes that I read shortly after I left.

  • frankiespeakin

    Thanks Max,

  • little witch
    little witch

    It is true that this was taught years ago.

    There is another thread with the same topic a page back....

    Sadly it was taught.......

  • RR

    Frankie you moron ... that was the racist backwoods Rutherford, NOT Russell. Although Russell believed like so many in his day did that the Blacks were a cursed race from the genesis account of Noah cursing his son Canaan. It was Rutherford who made the cooments of blacks being better pioneers because their use to serving, and that literaure shouldn't be wasted on blacks, because it would onl;y go to waste since they can't read.

    During Russell's time there were prominent blacks, I know many African-American Bible Student families who trace their roots to Russell, elders, pioneers, convention speakers, etc.


  • little witch
    little witch

    Russell, rutherford, whatever.

    It is still a part of the tower history and was taught and believed by those who accepted it.

    My step mother and her family and congregation believed it and preached it and I am only 39 years old.

    Also, I don't know of any "new light" that ever corrected the statements made. Do you?

    Did they ever state to the public that their views on the "black curse" were wrong? Nope, don't think so. Better just left alone I guess.

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