JW's BANNED IN RUSSIA - 04-01-04

by 4JWY 158 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    I apologize to you, HS, and any other Christians here.

    I am not a Christian, and there is no need to apologize anyway. You make some very valid points and we all learn from such threads.

    Best regards - HS

  • Brummie

    Havent read this thread but in my opinion they shouldnt be banned, this just breeds paronia and makes them more determined to breed.

    The government should educate the public on how destructive JWs are, draw attention to its cultic nature through bad publicity rather than banning. As a JW we were all pre prepared for banning and had our own ways of spreading the "good news" if we ever came under ban.

    So, in a nutshell, the government should educate the public rather than ban, this would bring better results.


  • AlanF

    Patio, it should be obvious that people who express opinions strongly, and call others hypocrites, ought to be willing to stand behind their words.


  • Phil

    Boy this is a popular thread. The simple answer is to define the word "Religion" all the rest is talk.

    Not covered is that I for one do not want to pay the taxes that the Watchtower should be paying. Included are all the others such as, Mormons, Moonies, etc.,

  • 4JWY

    Hi Phil: You have a PM :)

  • hillary_step


    Boy this is a popular thread. The simple answer is to define the word "Religion" all the rest is talk.

    Not really - that is an oversimplification of a very complex issue.

    What is being discussed is not so much what constitutes 'religion' as to what constitutes theological excess. Some feel that the WTS borders or crosses the boundaries of legality, others may not feel this way. A definition of the word 'religion' would certainly not take care of this issue.

    Best regards - HS

  • wednesday

    I have read the entire thread and I believe Mulan has a valid point. her herbal business had trouble operting there b/c they wanted money. Probably if we got to the very bottom of this, it involves the russian gov wants money that the jws refuse to pay.. they would rather force hardship on their followers and risk their followers lives than give up money. money has been at the bottom of so many changes the WTS has been forced to make. I bet money is involved here.

  • amac
    In general I agree, but not in the case of religions that advocate extremely harmful practices. One that advocates ritual murder or ritual child molestation should be banned outright. I don't understand how anyone can disagree with this, because it would be equivalent to the government implicitly endorsing such beliefs.


    What do you consider to be the extremely harmful practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? You seem very adamant about it, but I don't see any harmful practices that would warrant their banning the same way that ritual murder or ritual child molestation might.

  • 4JWY

    amac: Did you ever hear of MIND CONTROL, THOUGHT CONTROL, EMOTION CONTROL, AND BEHAVIOR CONTROL? If so, do you believe they could be harmful to you?

  • 4JWY

    amac: I neglected to include, INFORMATION CONTROL

    -( ie: one small example-internet usage)

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