let it go

by ese 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Art In Me
    Art In Me

    When I finally got the courage up to approach the elders about being partially molested by my father for about a year, and the fact that he had previously been an elder himself, I was given the cookie-cutter response of "Welp, no one there to see it". I was immediately read scriptures on FORGIVENESS. You know, ooops, my bad, how silly of me to not to embrace this situation and just LOVE.

    Let it go? Oh, okay, No problem. Only the biggest betayal TWICE (once from father, next by elder/God) , throw some salt on the wound. I've been working on "letting it go" for 13 yrs.

  • itsallgoodnow

    Gopher, yeah, that's true.

    I was looking at it from a voting rights standpoint, thinking they maybe had changed it because they didn't want to get sued for illegally disenfranchising anyone. People have fought and died for the right to vote and that could become a real problem for a religious group to deny their people the right to vote, so my point was, are they ducking out of the way of potential legal trouble for it?

    I see they will have trouble with other policies, like the child molestation issue.

    I'm just trying to figure out what might have motivated that policy change. It's probably not important, it's just one more thing that proves they aren't really getting their ideas from God, like they claim.

  • itsallgoodnow

    I don't know what is going on with my posts today.... sorry about that above, the post I tried to send got messed up and I thought I was pasting in the right one... anyway

    What I was gonna say is I'm sorry to Art in Me -that's a horrible story. I hope you find peace and can heal. Do whatever you need to do to heal.

    Also I think what ese is trying to say with "let it go" is equivalent to STOP POSTING ANTI-JW STUFF ON THIS BOARD. ese, you can't stop this. Nothing you do can stop people from leaving the JWs and doing what they need to do to protect themselves from this group. And the JWs are relentlessly attacking other religions in their literature, why don't they "let it go"? Why don't they leave their people alone instead of constantly badgering them to "do more". Why don't they leave them alone and "let it go". .

  • Brownboy


    I meant that most on this chat group have left the WTS, for the most part. I am not part of the WTS. The comments that I make are from the bible, and from what I have learned. Feel free to correct my thinking based upon the scripture. I have not posted any disputable teaching......as far as I know.......but keep in mind, those that are not willing to forgive, will not be forgiven. Simple choice.


  • Farkel

    : but keep in mind, those that are not willing to forgive, will not be forgiven.

    Says who?


  • Stefanie

    There are some things i have done that I dont want forgivness for. And there have been some things done to me that I will not forgive PERIOD!

    I dont care what the Bible says.

    When I finally got the courage up to approach the elders about being partially molested by my father for about a year, and the fact that he had previously been an elder himself, I was given the cookie-cutter response of "Welp, no one there to see it". I was immediately read scriptures on FORGIVENESS. You know, ooops, my bad, how silly of me to not to embrace this situation and just LOVE.

    Let it go? Oh, okay, No problem. Only the biggest betayal TWICE (once from father, next by elder/God) , throw some salt on the wound. I've been working on "letting it go" for 13 yrs.

    I am sorry this happened. I believe "letting it go" is not an option in some cases. Yours being one of them.

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