Last msg xmitted before I finished. I never understood how the "fear of stumbling" others aligned with the idea of not judging others. I mean, geeze, if I see you burning incense in your home, what's the worst that can happen? I start to believe you are part of a Satanic ritualistic pagan coven? My god, if I'm that weak and that judgemental, the problem lies with ME, not with the person who just wants her house to smell good. A couple of weeks ago I talked to a shop owner about some really good incense/perfume burners that really do a fantastic job of destroying odors, using beautiful decanters. With young kids and a dog, that's important to me. I suppose I should carefully consider what impact my burning sweet smelling scents in urn might have upon others...instead of appreciating the pleasant ambiance, they might think I'm a ritualistic Satan worshipper.