I know these questions have been answered many times over the years. I just want to have it clear in my own mind. My mother lives about 45 min from me. Since my dad passed away I see my mother more often to help her out. Once a week I take her grocery shopping. I noticed that she spends a lot of time at the Kingdom Hall. Maybe she’s there more often because she’s lonely or maybe this is normal behaviour. I think she goes Tuesday, Thursday, Friday nights and Saturday and Sunday.(plus she goes to all the Assemblies? and Conventions in Ontario) Friday night I called about coming Saturday to shop but she couldn’t go then. So she asked if I would come on Sunday. I don’t believe in shopping on Sunday so I told her I couldn’t go then but that I would come over in a half hour. She started to question it but I managed to change the subject. I believe that keeping the Sabbath was never eliminated, but from my mother’s reaction it was a major thing, that no, we don’t have to observe it anymore.
1. the Sabbath: do Witnesses not observe the Sabbath?2. How many times does a member go to the hall, bible study, door to door, etc, each week?
3. Why do all members observe the Memorial? First of all, if they say that Jesus came back why still observe it? If it’s just for the annointed, why not just observe it by themselves? Why should the rest be there to sit around and not be a part of it? It would seem to me that the annointed are rubbing it in everyone’s face, no? (smugness-I’m better than you) How does one know if he is of the annointed class?
4. Do witnesses really believe that the org (not Jesus) is the mediator between them and God?
5. Do witnesses not read the bible on their own, just for the sake of wanting to read it? Do they only read what is asked of them? (things that pertain to a particular article, bible study?)
I have so many, many more questions. Now that I spend more time with her I feel the need to be prepared. I honestly pray before I see or call her just to give me strength, patience and to be kind to her, that in the end I need to glorify God (by my behaviour) and my own feelings (about my reaction to what she is saying) aren’t that important really. But I admit it’s sometimes really hard and it’s very draining. When I have reacted emotionally to her in the past I know that she had control and power over me and I have to think that even though this is my mother (to love and respect her as my mother) her views are not mine. I don't respect her opinion, it is just her opinion, so why get all upset over it. God knows our hearts and that's what is important. For those who answer I really appreciate it.
Another Question:
Are JW's only allowed to read the NWT or can they read KJV. I was planning to buy my mother a bible with large print (because of her vision) but I don't want to spend the money if she rejects it.