by VeniceIT 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    Ever since I read outnfree's delightful experience at the convention, I've had in my head, this idea that somehow a billboard could be rented for a month or so, and the question, "Are pedophiles knocking on your door?" emblazoned across it accompanied by an image of a hand knocking, and under it, the URL for the website. I picture this beside highway 35E, or I-45, or one of the major thoroughfares of Dallas traffic.

    I've never been even remotely involved with any kind of advertising or publicity. I can't even begin to guess what a billboard on a major highway must cost to rent, not to mention the cost of having someone do up the message itself and put it up there. Anybody know what we're talking about, costwise, here?


  • VeniceIT

    I appreicate your feedback, we have more designs besides this one!

    *"Some who were victims of sexual abuse were mistakenly advised not to get the help they needed to avoid bringing reproach on the organization. The Society now encourages these ones to come forward and seek help if they need or desire such help. Please contact (phone number) or visit for assistance.*

    Well those are good points, they're not feasible for a sign. You see the JW's are going to have to READ that! and anyone taking the time to read an apostate sign will be in trouble.

    It doesn't matter what is on your Sign, all sings outside are going to be considered Apostate. We wanted something QUICK and easy to read from a few hundred feet away.

    Your right not all JW's have been molsedted, or even have a clue that it's a problem, this will show them that perhaps their is more to it BUT THE MAIN PURPOSE is for those VICTIMS, who don't NEED any convincing, they know it's a problem, they suffered. AND here at a glance they can see and remember TWO very easy places to get help or tell their story!!! That is the point, it's FOR those VICTIMS!!!

    It's to show THEM that there are people that belive them, that care, and that are willing to do something about it, they can ACTUALLY admit that it did happen!!! THat's what we need!

    I think the signs are great, they're direct and to the point, and no one needs to spend any extra time reading them, they get the whole message in a single glance, which they can hardly avoid seeing.


    P.S. Yes the .com works, I think it's eaiser to remember and sounds more official, less relgious!

  • joelbear

    I think we should hit them over their heads with the signs until they can see reason.

  • mommy

    Venice thanks
    I think alot of times a simple message with no explanation may plant a seed of curiosity. I have many times looked up things that were only one word. I appreciate the effort you are making.

    I had a friend of mine rent a billboard for a month and the cost was minimal, around $150 month. Of course this was not on a major expressway, but it was in downtown.

    Has anyone seen the billboards that stretch out on Highway 95s going to South of the border? They last for about 100 miles, and they help you keep track of how close you are getting to South of the Border. I remember looking forward to them as we traveled south on our way to Florida. It is quite amusing actually.

  • outnfree

    Well, I still think that having the "ABUSE" part of the phone number in red and the "NO CHILD ABUSE" symbols on the signs qualifies as inflammatory and would suggest that the website name alone (with "silentlambs" in red) and the hotline number would be sufficient to pique interest without immediately branding the carriers as apostate scum.

    However, I am gleefully enjoying my freedom to speak and think as I see fit now that I've left the Borg, and thus I recognize that you are all grown up boys & girls who can each make up his/her own mind as how best to proceed to benefit the little lambs.

    Thus I will say no more but to quote silentlambs admonition to me as to how one should please conduct him/herself at convention sites:

    i know at some conventions, areas are designated as protest areas in close proxcimity to the entrance of most conventions, the city could be petitioned as to where these areas are. if you choose to go this route in the future all i could ask is that you be kind and respectful, keep away from inflamitory remarks verbally
    or written
    as it will no doubt be used against you to try and get the rank and file to not listen.
    as i have stated on several occasions, by any means necessary the public must be exposed to this issue to force wt to change their policy and protect children.
    thank you for your courage and efforts in behalf of children.
    silentlambs (emphasis mine)

    Nuff said.

    The billboard idea is a good one, because that particular message chosen by COMF is keyed to the PUBLIC.

    In a city near here, there are also park benches which have ad space available on them. I will check into the costs of those so we have a ballpark figure.

    Loving the way you are all galvinized to help!


  • You Know
    You Know

    You should go full circle and do the whole sandwich sign routine. I think many would be amused by the irony. I know I would.

    / You Know

  • Mulan

    Dave and I particularly like the one framed by the palm trees. Sigh!

  • slipnslidemaster

    Are we targeting child abuse or child abuse within the organization? The poster sign has no connection to the organization except a very tenuous one when you are walking around a dub convention.

    There needs to be more focus on the dubs.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
    - Albert Einstein

  • slipnslidemaster

    Ven, you gonna address this??

    Slipnslidemaster: "The truth is more important than the facts."
    - Frank Lloyd Wright

    hmmmmm...where have I heard that before?

  • Mulan

    We are wondering if you guys are going to go to the conventions there, and walk around with the signs?

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