Memorial - What are people actually thinking during it?

by asleif_dufansdottir 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34

    Wow, it's great that it's only one hour instead of the usual.

    Great that it cancels out another, longer meeting this year.

    What's on TV tonight after we get home?

    Should we stop for treats or go straight home?

    So-and-so looks as if she's dressed for Easter or something.

    I should try to pay attention.

    I didn't do the reading. I don't know why I just don't care and this is the most boring activity.


  • JH

    I hope I won't drop the wine on my new suit.

  • fraidycat9
    "I always wonder how brothers who never touch a towel to dry the dishes 364 days out of the year, feel so honored to drape a tea towel over their arm."

    You have GOT to be kidding!! (right?). I'd've paid cash money to see that one!!! I can only imagine what a sight that was. See, see, that is the type of thing that would have sent people living in my part of the country rolling down the aisle, laughing to the point of tears. But I digress...

    After we got there and noticed people eagerly scoping us out so as to grab us afterwards, I was thinking about how my family could escape to the parking lot and get out before "amen" and the beginning of the "lip flapping" inquisition session (directed at me, of course) that was soon to follow. Did we make it? You bet your sweet bippy we did. Also discovered 2 new facts:

    1. You can hook a child up in a safety seat in less than 10 seconds. And ...
    2. An 8 year old car (that was not built for speed) can go from zero to 60 in even less time if you will it to.

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