by DevonMcBride 14 Replies latest jw friends
Our latest letter came from a Mr. J.G. Mc...who was worried that our article (and perhaps others) were not reporting the facts, he quotes "Though often not adhered to it is the responsibility of all in the news business to report the facts."
Such a typical JW. The media's full of lies and half-truths!
I must say that this is an excellent article on the whole wishy-washyness of the WTS.
I love the line about "scores of them are physicians and surgeons". Does anyone here have a name of a JW doctor or surgeon. When your not suppose to go to college where do you get your degree? (Out od the Awake). LOL PC
I must say that this is an excellent article on the whole wishy-washyness of the WTS.
I agree. It shows how the public views JW tactics and teachings.
But in our opinion, should Moscow decide to review this situation, they should insist on seeing a clear and exact statement from the group on what their real thoughts are on Blood Transfusions (and other areas), so there is no misunderstanding to the general public or to the followers of this faith.
Yea good luck on that...they hate to be pinned down...
pc I laughted at that comment too...they discourage higher education but boast about "scores of doctors" yea right
"they could try adapting their Biblical references from a language format that people stopped using hundreds of years ago.Or do they prefer to keep it this way, in order to be able to interpret it in a way that suits them?"Haaaw, bwaah, haaah... rolling on the floor.
Even those worldy goats understand it now! GB praying for amageddon before the word really gets out!
Posted with great love for greater news articles like this one.
Finally, we report the "facts" as they are presented to us and highlight the problems. We also make a point of giving all sides an opportunity to speak their minds. However, we feel that this subject is still not clear and producing articles that are at least 23 years old hardly supports the argument. Only articles like ours will have any chance of getting to the "Flesh with its soul" of the subject and we don't "pour" out any information and "cover it with dust". If Jehovah's Witnesses want to be better understood, they could try adapting their Biblical references from a language format that people stopped using hundreds of years ago.Or do they prefer to keep it this way, in order to be able to interpret it in a way that suits them?
Does anyone here have a name of a JW doctor or surgeon
I grew up knowing a Dr... Dr. Morino. She served on the Liaison Committee in SE Texas. It?s been years since I?ve heard anything about her so I have know idea what she is up to right now.
If the article was wrong, did the complainer give specifics and list their sources?
I knew of 3 docs in this area years ago. One i think is still here. All of them became docs long before they became jws . If they had grown up jws, they'd probably never have become docs. One left the area and the other quit attending rather suddenly . Never heard what happened, except it had to do with his family..