does anyone know the jehovahs witness view on film Passion of the christ

by farmer 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    They won't say that JWs should attend, because they say Rated R movies are wrong..

    They will however use it as a field service point for placements at the door...

  • Nosferatu

    For starters, it is rated R, so I am not sure how many would admit to seeing it if indeed they did go, plus it is made by a worldly actor named Gibson, and has worldly actors in it, and they didn't use the NWT bible, and certainly didn't discuss it with the GB beforehand, so it probably isn't very accurate. Plus, they never use the name Jehovah.

    I honestly can't see them being against it. JWs are always watching the 10 Commandments around this time of year. They critisize it to hell where Moses is talking to the burning bush. Ever see JWs pull out their NWTs and try to follow along with the movie? I wonder if they'll do that with "Passion".

  • Agent Smith
    Agent Smith

    I'm still attending the meetings on a regular basis....And they have given a talk at my hall telling us to "NOT" watch the movie. The elder said "Why are you going to pay a worldly director money to go watch a movie that you can read? Instead of throwing away your money on that movie, why not read Christ's story it in the bible and then donate $8(this is what it cost to go watch a movie here in TX) to the World Wide Work? This is what each and everyone of you should do.."

  • Agent Smith
    Agent Smith

    I'm still attending the meetings on a regular basis....And they have given a talk at my hall telling us to "NOT" watch the movie. The elder said "Why are you going to pay a worldly director money to go watch a movie that you can read? Instead of throwing away your money on that movie, why not read Christ's story it in the bible and then donate $8(this is what it cost to go watch a movie here in TX) to the World Wide Work? This is what each and everyone of you should do.."

  • Agent Smith
    Agent Smith

    I'm still attending the meetings on a regular basis....And they have given a talk at my hall telling us to "NOT" watch the movie. The elder said "Why are you going to pay a worldly director money to go watch a movie that you can read? Instead of throwing away your money on that movie, why not read Christ's story it in the bible and then donate $8(this is what it cost to go watch a movie here in TX) to the World Wide Work? This is what each and everyone of you should do.."

  • undercover
    Instead of throwing away your money on that movie, why not read Christ's story it in the bible .... This is what each and everyone of you should do.."

    Sounds to me like he might be giving his own opinion there. Going beyond what's written and all that. I guess we shouldn't watch the Ten Commanments this coming weekend either.(isn't it shown every Easter?).

    I figured the JWs would discourage members from seeing it based on the violence and the rating, but I've always said that if they made movies out of many of the Bible stories they would have to be rated R. So I can't see that as much of an excuse. A grown, mature indivudual should be able to make decisions for themselves without having to worry wether it upsets their clergy.

  • heathen

    I think the passion would be far more contraversial than the 10 commandments to any dub . The passion will challenge the WTBTS claim of jesus being executed on a stake and since most of the people in the org . had to be reprogrammed from cross to stake when being indoctrinated it would definately cause some to try and subvert others . It's a control thing , they probly will even use the old , what fellowship does light have with darkness ploy and how do you think others would react if they know you are a dub and saw you coming out of the movie .

  • sandy

    Last night at the memorial it seemed as if the speaker was giving a review of the Passion Movie. LOL

    I am not exaggerating.

  • TresHappy

    My JW mother won't go because "well, it shows Jesus hanging on a cross, we all know he died on a pole..." Then she starts talking about the word stauros meaning upright pole...that's when I tuned out...

  • Mary
    I think the passion would be far more contraversial than the 10 commandments to any dub

    Actually, in a 1959 WT or Awake! the Society condemned The 10 Commandments and found fault with virtually all aspects of the film. I'll try to find it when I go home tonight and post it. You'll laugh your ass off at some of the dumb comments they made.

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