I Hate Mondays

by Puternut 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    Argh, come to work and check my email, 114 new ones, 18 with attachements(viruses), On my desk there are numerous new jobs, phone calls on the answering machine. Voice mails on my cell, Mail slot got jammed because of all the bills.... I had a great weekend. It's just so overwhelming on Mondays, so I decided to take a quikie break and have a cup of coffee before I dig in to the piles of work.

    Is it Friday yet?

    Puter- gone- nutty

  • somebodylovesme

    I hate Mondays, especially since we just lost an hour of sleep! Ouch... my 6:00 AM wake up felt like 5, and that is NOT GOOD! not good at all. :(

    Hope you survive your Monday!

  • Sassy

    I hate this Monday especially!!

    last Monday kind of sucked too.. I was sick....

    but.. I didn't get much sleep last night... had a stressful night.. and so now trying to function on two hours of sleep....not fun

  • Gopher

    Rainy days and mondays ALWAYS get..... me down.

    But I guess it's better to be too busy at work then to be unemployed.

  • Sassy

    I got to work today and my boss thought I was supposed to be on vacation.. DARN.. I forgot I was originally going to take this week off! here I could have slept in today!

  • Puternut

    It's 72 here in Spokane. That's warm for this time of the year. And here I have to work......... SOB

    I wanna go play. Monday's are for the birds. Planning to do some work in my flower garden this evening. Perhaps cooking out on the barbie too. And I need a stiff martini !!!!!!!!!!!! 3 more hours to go


  • Prefect

    You Hate Mondays?

    Go to this site and download the song to cheer yourselves up.

    Monday Sucks


  • JH

    I read "I mate Mondays"

  • Sassy

    tee hee...

    where is your mind???

    how about this for a MONDAY SONG....

    Six o'clock already
    I was just in the middle of a dream
    I was kissin' Valentino
    By a crystal blue Italian stream
    But I can't be late
    'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid
    These are the days
    When you wish your bed was already made

    It's just another manic Monday
    I wish it was Sunday
    'Cause that's my funday
    My I don't have to runday
    It's just another manic Monday....

  • English Patient
    English Patient

    I quite like mondays, and have done for a while.

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