Maybe I just don't remember my dub days correctly, but I swear that I remember that JWs taught that Noah preached to the people of his time of the coming destruction. He preached and then he built the ark and he and his family were saved.
I just read the account of Noah in Geneis. It doesn't mention him preaching, just building, collecting animals and floating in a box.
Matthew 24:39 quotes Jesus as saying that the day and hour that nobody knows will be the same as Noah's day, when the people of that day were eating and drinking and were not aware of what was going to happen.
Hebrews 11:7 speaks of Noah being righteous and by his following God's orders to build the ark, condemend man to destruction.
Where do you get preacher of righteousness from these scriptures? Is there something that I forgot that speaks of him preaching? And if he did, he didn't do a very good job, because Jesus said the people were unaware of what was about to befall them.
Does anyone else remember Noah being used as an example to us today to keep preaching? Or was I dreaming?