The Suppressed Christian Tradition

by A Paduan 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • A Paduan
  • Leolaia

    My RealPlayer is broke. What it say?

  • nilfun


    Compared to this discussion, it's no wonder I left so many "meetings" famished.

    Thanks for posting that A Paduan.

  • Navigator

    It is remarkable that the Gnostic Gospels are already in paperback while the Dead Sea Scrolls are only partially done even though discovered about the same time. Apparently when the cannon of the new testament was finalized the gnostics were under house arrest. The gnostics were not very concerned with hierarchy which made them unsuitable for Constantines purpose of controlling the kingdom through the church. Some of the beliefs of the gnostics were pretty far out, but some seem very valid. The Gospel of John has a very gnostic flavor and it is a minor miracle that it was included in the new testament.

  • frankiespeakin

    While Gnostic can cover a wide range of beleifs systems.

    I ran into a Gnostic sight thats claims, the gnostic gospels teach the OT god jehovah was a real screw-up,, and didn't know what he was doing in creating the world so imperfect.

  • Tatiana
    Tatiana you have the link to that site?

  • frankiespeakin


    Try this site I think this may be the site,, you can go to the home page too:

    I don't know how good these places are so I'm not recomending it but since you asked.

    I think it is all whoey,, interesting whoey,, but,, whoey just the same.

  • Tatiana

    Thanks, frankie. I read everything. I leave my mind open. And since I think all of us were just a big mistake and this world is screwed up royally, I'll read it and see.....

  • Eyebrow2

    I have only done a little reading into gnostics, but I believe they think that an evil force created earth, not a good god

    funny that I have read this post today...I just orded Elaine Pagels'The Gnostic Gospels a few hours ago on

    I am looking forward to reading it.

  • mustang

    ?but I believe they think that an evil force created earth, not a good god?

    Maybe not; that is, not necessarily an evil god. One view or ?flavor? I got from some commentaries and readings in the Gnostics was that the ?God? (demiurge) was/is a ?crazy God?. He is hell bent on creating things; he seems to have a quota to meet.

    Now it doesn?t matter what he creates, just CREATE!!!! If it is a negative thing, he doesn?t ?back it out? or try to correct it; he just keeps on going. ?Got a shed-yule to meet, ya know??

    It?s possible the ?crazy God? might create an attempt at a ?counter-measure? to the negative creation, but that is the extent of his taking any responsibility. And once the creation is done, those things created ARE ON THEIR OWN.

    I am still digging through these books and have not gotten anywhere near completely through. I find more writings from time to time. There are times when I find such an interpretation to fit more things than the conventional thoughts.


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