Saturday Evening Post . . . Jehovah's Witnesses Make Hate a Religion

by garybuss 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Great article, Gary, thanks!

  • Kenneson

    I had seen this article before several years ago. Thanks for posting it. It was a good refresher.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Thanks...very interesting time period.... 1940. The war in Europe had started and was a year away for the U.S. Thanks for the post.

  • Sunspot

    Terrific post Gary!! I'd never seen this article before.......quite interesting!



  • Quotes

    Obviously Satan has used this reporter to spread lies and misinformation about JWs. Of course, this just prooves that JWs have the true religion.

    You should all know better! The Organization has warned us to BTW, to any new lurkers out there, this is supposed to be SARCASM!!!!!!!

  • Joker10

    Is this real?

  • Amazing1914


    Excellent ... long, but worth the read ... I caught this one though, which dovetails the testimony made at the trial of Rutherford in 1918:

    Brooklyn, apparently, keeps well ahead of the sheriff. A writer for the New York Evening Post recently took samples of the Rutherford books and pamphlets to a New York publisher. The publisher reported he could sell the twenty-five-cent books for eleven cents, the pamphlets for two cents, and make a normal profit on both.

    This paragraph alone should tell us something ... the average JW is sincere and a willing worker, not ever realizing how they help enrich the Society beyonf their wildest dreams!

    Yes, with the "free" distribution labor holding the bag ... the Society makes a hefty profit ... all TAX FREE ... do we not smell a rat here? Should they really be a 501c (3) corporation under IRS regulations?

  • Panda

    WOW, thanks for finding and then posting that article! It sure was a time before our sound bite society!!! But this really bothered me because after all nothing has changed has it. A new group comes in and the old group dies or leaves... there will always be people "looking" for answers and happy to find some concrete draconic set of rules to live by --- or else

  • garybuss

    Joker10, Yes this was a real article in a real magazine about a real hate group. I have photocopies I can e-mail you if you would like. The 7 files are 575 kb. Just send me your e-mail address. GaryB

  • garybuss

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