In Thomas Jefferson's "Notes on the State of Virginia", Query xvii, "Religion", he states:
"The first settlers in this country were emigrants from England, of the English church, just at a point of time when it was flushed with complete victory over the religious of all other persuasions. Possessed, as they became, of the powers of making, administering, and executing the laws, they shewed (sic) equal intolerance in this country with their Presbyterian brethren... The poor Quakers were flying from persecution in England. They cast their eyes on these new countries as asylums of civil and religious freedom; but they found them free only for the reining sect. Several acts of the Virginia assembly of 1659, 1662, and 1693, had made it penal in parents to refuse to have their children baptized; had prohibted the unlawful assembling of Quakers; had made it penal for any master of a vessel to bring a Quaker into the state; had ordered those already here, and such as should come thereafter, to be imprisoned till they should abjure the country; provided a milder punishment for their first and second return, but death for their third; had inhibited all persons from suffering their meetings in or near their houses, entertaining them individually, or disposing of books which supported their tenets... The Anglicans retained full possession of the country about a century."
I find it supremely ironic that those who fled religious persecution in England, found it as bad or even worse in the early days of America. I stood on the spot in the Boston Common (park) where a Quaker women was flogged for not leaving the area. When she returned the third time, she was hanged to death by those ever-so-Christian Puritans.
Even so, as bad as it was, religious intolerance and punishments would have been MUCH worse if dubs were in control back then; just as it will be when they have complete control over this planet in their beloved soon-to-come "Paradise Earth(tm)." Between the never-ending picnics in the woods, and never-ending lion petting, there will be plenty of public stonings. You can count on that.