For example: The name Tiffany comes from the word Trinity. I must know a bunch of dubs named Tiffany! Any others?
Do JW's know the meaning of their kids names?
by Panda 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm sure there was a talk about it! LOL!!!
When I was in, one of the bros talked me out of naming my firstborn Ebed-Malek if it was a boy. It was a girl and I named her Tamar [palm tree]. Thank GOODNESS someone stopped me!
Yes, I know, and knew, the meanings of all my children's names:
Pamela - all honey
Ben - son
Deirdre - sorrowful (born on Wednesday, Wednesday's child is full of woe! poor thing got a double whammy, but she is doing fine)
Brian - strong
got my forty homey?
Mine is Freddy, which must be Latin for "your tie is dirty, lets tell everyone in the Hall!"
LOL Freddy! I wonder if the other Freddy felt the same?
So I guess I wondered about this because we used to get "picked" on for little things like wearing a heart charm OR any charm bracelet... and forget about ankle bracelets (only for ladies of the evening - maybe that means the women who work the grave shift at convenience stores/)
Oh yeah and how about those cards friends sent each other with the
Happy Birthdayscratched, but the sentiment was ok? Man alive talk about nick picky --- yet they name their kids after gods and principles which the r/f are told are demonic! Other names of dub kids--Diane, Mary, Athene, VENUS The guys don't seem to have as many... I'm gonna name my next cat Baal
franklin J
...I remember Bible names were very fashionable....
one of my sisters , a pioneer with an PO husband, named all of her kids from the old testament...
My middle son's name was Jamaiah... meaning his life is Jehovah's...
turns out he was the only one of my kids that looked into Satan worship.. (briefly.. but ironic)
I remember that my ex's family freaked when we named my son Damien (cause of "that" movie) but according to some name books it means throne of god, heavens only knows I might have chosen differently if I had known that!