England's Oldest Resident Dies At 160.
by Englishman 12 Replies latest jw friends
Oh, I thought it was the Queen. LOL
English Patient
It's a sad day.
I will observe 2 minutes silence later on.
Aw what a lovely story! He had a good innings didn't he?
I might go to see Timmy Two one day,
I figured you were talking about Prince Charles
English Patient
I figured you were talking about Prince Charles
No such luck
Hey English Patient.....you think Bonnie Prince Charlie is ever going to marry that bowser Camilla??? Think the Queen would ever approve??
First i'm thinking man you guys are doing something right, what is in the tea? A tortise , what stories he could have told. I hope they give him a proud farewell.
What a wonderful story! I love turtles of all kinds, and I'm glad he had such a lovely and comfortable life.
English Patient
Hey Mary,
I'll post that answer soon. May even do it in a full post, I got so much juicy gossip on the Royal family. Tehe...