Texas Panhandle

by Shutterbug 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shutterbug

    We have received copious amounts of rain here in the Panhandle, west Texas and eastern New Mexico, too much in some areas. The point of all of this is this may be a good year for wildflowers. We get them by the millions in a good wet year, but this being a semi arid region that doesn't always happen. So we'll try a warm up here. Thanks to Celtic and Sheila for showing their flower pics.

    1. Purple Coneflower. We get these but this pic was taken in Greenbay behind Xenawarriors' house last summer

    2.. Four o Clocks Taken in our front yard.

    3. Gallardia, also called Indian Blandets.

    4 White Prickley Poppy. Often mistaken for a type of cactus.

    5 Forgot one, Coreopsis which is a member of the Sunflower family as are Gallardia.

  • Rabbit

    Great pictures,

    The Blue Bonnets are in full bloom around here, also Indian Paint Brush & Coreopsis, too. I haven' seen too many Indian Blankets yet...we call them Indian Fire Wheels.

    I wish all the foreigners who are comin' to Texas for the ChiliFest could see the flowers now !

    I hope these pics show up...I'm not real sure if I'm doing this right.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    Hi wabbit

    I added this for you:

    I'm sure yours were better.

  • Rabbit

    Hey Caleb,

    I don't know why...but I can't get your pic to display?

    Shutterbug, Can you tell me how to display the pics in the format you did, it looks better

    Thanks, Lee

  • Valis

    Hiya Rabbit...see by your profile where is has a link that says Files? CLick there to upload pics from your pc...then in a reply you will notice the Paper Clip icon by the Clipboard? Well click on the paper clip to attach files to your post. Hope this helps.


    District Overbeer

  • Shutterbug

    Thanks Valis. You are good at giving directions. Appreciate it.

    Rabbit, I envy you having Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush as neither one grows in the Panhandle. Funny, a couple of years ago my son and I stopped at the old military post Fort Union National Monument north of Las Vegas, New Mexico and there was one lone Indian Paintbrush plant growing on the property. Why they don't grow here is beyond my feeble understanding of plants, although some people have sucessfully grown them in flower beds.

    There is a book titled Texas Wildflowers by Campbell and Lynn Loughmiller which has been a tremondous to help in helping me recognize some of the flowers we see here in Texas. If you're really interested in Texas wildflowers this is a good buy.

    Have attached the Indian Paintbrush taken at Ft. Union, New Mexico.

  • Valis

    Nice pics BTW Shutter...I'm going down to the Southern part of our Kingdom on the 16th..I hope the blue bonnets are in full bloom by then...I always pass by the LBJ Ranch too...awesome pic opportunities.


    District Overbeer

  • Rabbit

    Valis, Thanks I'll see if this works

  • Rabbit

    Wooo-hoo! It worked ! 'preciate it.

    Valis, if you're going near LBJ's go to Fredricksburg, there is a place called "Wildflower Farms." Hundreds of acres...in full bloom of wildflowers...unbelievably beautiful! They raise these wildflowers for the seeds...they ship all over the world. Do a google on them.


    There is a book titled Texas Wildflowers by Campbell and Lynn Loughmiller which has been a tremondous to help in helping me recognize some of the flowers we see here in Texas. If you're really interested in Texas wildflowers this is a good buy.

    Yes it is good, I've had it several years. We have so many different wildflowers unique to Texas, we need a good guide. Outdoor photography has been a hobby since I was 12. I don' t have a real good digital camera yet, but do have a few SLR's. Look forward to more 'flwr' pics. We just gotta brag on Texas...

  • xjw_b12

    Ahhh. The signs of spring.

    Great pics Shutterbug. you too rabbit.

    I have some awesome pictures I took a few years ago while at Butchart Gardens in Victoria B.C. http://www.butchartgardens.com/main.php

    I'll have to post them some day.

    xjw_b12 "Of the only thing I can see in my backyard is 3000 lbs of dog crap"

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