Would you have chosen this faith on your own? Why not? Is it too hard to live righteously? Do you really bel i eve it's a cult? If the bible says do not fornicate, commit adultery, defoul the human body (your temple) , ect...and this religion just happened to TRY and abide by all these rules, does that make them a cult or genuinely God fearing people?
Second question: If you weren't roped into this religion by your parents...
by 2good2bad 37 Replies latest jw friends
Ummh Interesting. The constantly changing IP address, from post to post.
franklin J
interesting post 2good2bad,
I know I would not have involved myself. I do believe people have different reasons for joining. Some need to belong; some need a ridgid heirerchy to find a place in. Others just cling for emotional reasons.
Having been raised in it I had no choice as a child.
Who's to say. When you're a child you're ignorant. It's kind of like if I lived in the Middle East, would I wear a full body vail and walk 10 feet behing my husband? Probably if I didnt know any better.
I am grateful to have been raised in a rather strict religious home. I was taught morals and the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Sure there are things I would have changed, but I gained a sense of spirituality. Yes I think it's a cult, but thankfully when I got old enough to know better I had resources to get away from it.
I believe religion is important in the upbringing of a child. But many many religions also try to be righteous and follow rules set out in the bible. There is a difference between religion and cults
I live that kind of life now. WITHOUT being tied down to a CULT!
genuinely God fearing people?
Some of those genuinely god fearing people are child molesters and still in good standing with them.
POOT I took the bait again.
As a child I had no choice but to go. The punishment was quick and severe for disobeying. Had I had the opportunity to find my own path from an early age, no I would not have chosen the path through the JW cult. Yes, its a cult by every definition I have seen. As for that bible that you quote as asking us to believe our bodies are a temple, that concept is not unique to christianity. But I don't believe the scriptures are inspired, I don't believe in that angry male god it promotes, and I don't believe that you have to be unhappy in order to have life in abundance.
Blessed be,
Gretchen -
How the heck should I know I'm at work. If you catch someone monitoring me could you give me a heads up!? Thanks.
hey xjw.... do you remember the story of the "Billy Goats Gruff." It has these gotas that keep trying to cross over this bridge, but there's an evil ugly troll that lives under the bridge that makes them pay, or scares them, or growls. Something like that. Boy I wish I could remember how that story went.........
Hey xjw_b12 do ya have a pic of a moon???
Ps not the one in the sky!