I just find it shocking that the same people drinking themselves to death is banning a "harmful and dangerous" religion. Obviously people minds are killing them. Be it the uncontrolled addiction or the suicides associated with the Watchtower. They are grasping for straws and trying to pick a battle they can win. I mean banning liquor to natives while the rest of Russia drinks itself into its deathbed? I believe it is unfair to control people?s ideas because you think the idea is unpopular. I mean that?s all a religion is a physical manifestation of an idea. Addicts also share the same realization.
Harmful or Dangerous?
by Sunspot 60 Replies latest jw friends
It's frustrating, but it's part of the price we pay for living in a free society.
Absolutely! At some point we have to take responsibility for what we chose to do with our lives like it or not. Just speaking from experience, as someone raised in the religion and witnessed many things that caused me to think twice about continuing any longer.
It is very true that there is a brainwashing effect that takes place over time and leaving is not an easy thing to do ESPECIALLY when one has family and close friends who are still associated with or members of the WTS. BUT nevertheless, we have to make the best decisions we can for ourselves.
I personally am very thankful to be able to make my own choice. Far to many people in this world don?t have that luxury and I think those of us that do have a tendency to take that for granted.
"Be careful what you wish for it make come back to bite you in the ass one day"
Its not as harmful as smoking, or drinking something legal that notbody wants to ban in Moscow trust me.
In this country, there is a ban on using illegal drugs, yet alcohol is legal and alcoholism and drunk driving hurts people. Are you saying they shouldn't illegal drugs if they don't first ban alcohol? I realize the illegal drugs issue is understandably controversial, but this is just for argument's sake.
Mentally and emotionally, I can say the WTS harmed me and was dangerous for me. I was so depressed at one point when I was very active and still a believer, I wanted to kill myself ... seriously. You can't image how much better I felt when I found out it wasn't "the truth". It took a long time to heal and it's an ongoing process. I feel I need to keep protecting myself from this group because it's still part of my life while all of my family is still active. I can say "its all good now" because it's so much better. I can think for myself, trust myself, and protect myself now. I am mentally and emotionally free. But at great cost. If people could sue a religion for mental anguish, the WTS would go broke so fast it's unreal.
I think they should make laws preventing mental and emotional abuse in religion. I would vote for that. If a government wants to step in and ban it for that reason, well that's just fine by me.
Are you saying they shouldn't illegal drugs if they don't first ban alcohol?
I think he is saying that it is silly that they would ban a "harmful" religion, but freely license alcohol which is much more harmful than JWs could ever be. And on top of that, they are tops at puttin the devil juice back.
4JWY -
I am definitely open minded to the damages that the WT causes. I still do not think anything they do warrants banning. The stock market causes many more suicides than the WT ever could. Should we ban the stock market? No, because people make a conscience choice to participate in it. Unless a person is drugged or physically forced, they make a conscience decision to either become a JW or stay a JW.
I AM aware of the negative effects of the WT organization. Through this website I AM aware of personal struggles and even cases of suicide. I am also aware of the negative effects of many other things, foods, organizations, practices, consumer products, ways of life in this world that are much more negative on people than the WT and I am not about to promote the banning of those.
4JWY - Try to detach yourself from the emotional aspect of being intimately familiar with the negative impact that the WT has caused to those you know and compare it to some of the other problems in the world. I am sure you will see that it is miniscule in relation and certainly does not warrant banning ahead of many of the more negative things in the world.
Typical JWcultspeak
: "Detach yourselves from your emotions" - no, thank you. They contribute to my color in life which is something more vibrant now than ever.
I believe the topic of this thread was HARMFUL OR DANGEROUS? If you want to continue your conversation about banning JW's, I know that is on another thread with the title of JW'S BANNED IN RUSSIA.
Life is not miniscule. Is yours?
**I am definitely open minded to the damages that the WT causes. I still do not think anything they do warrants banning. The stock market causes many more suicides than the WT ever could. Should we ban the stock market? No, because people make a conscience choice to participate in it. **
I am NOT so sure that you ARE as "open-minded" as you claim. Just in saying in the next breath (line) that the STOCK MARKET is a part of the problem I addressed, is ludicrous.
As far as the "choice" we all make...how WELL did you READ, or comprehend what I SAID. I mentioned the subtle mind control, the insidious and sneaky way that the WTS "pretends" to offer "home bible studies" that are all based upon the "art" of pushing WTS literature, and how to isolate yourself from the people you love because they are not JWs!
It isn't until LATER ON down the road, does one wake up and REALIZE what they've gotten themselves into---and THEN it is too LATE to back out gracefully. Yes, we HAD a "choice" if you will, but to have to CHOOSE between your family and friends versus a stinking PUBLISHING CORPORATION...is WAY over the top. NO ONE should ever be treated like dirt only because they have wised up and realized what a bunch of lying hypocrites the WTS is, and want to get clear of them AND their ways.
I didn't have money in a stock market, but I HAD wrapped my entire life around a psuedo-relgion that s-l-o-w-l-y and cleverly had manipulated my brain, just as it STILL manipulates about six million OTHER brains in the world. THAT'S what I'm talking about. MY only "sin" was being a trusting person, and I trusted the WTS.
This "excuse" of yours, is SO typical of watchtowerthink...BLAME THE VICTIM for the poor choices he/she has made in serving a pretend religion, when he/she THOUGHT he was "pleasing God".
I still maintain my original thought...the Watchtower Society IS harmful and dangerous, AND destroys entire families for their own gain. If YOU are comfortable serving the Watchtowergod, so be it.
**Detach yourselves from your emotions" - no, thank you.**
4JWY, Thank you for mentioning this point. When I WAS a JW, I put a LOT of my emotions on "hold", or how else could I shun my grown son, viewed every nonJW in my life as a servant of Satan, and lived in fear, wondering when the "END" would come and wipe out my dear 107 year-old grandmother and grandchildren I hadn't even gotten to hold yet.
How many years of summer vacations were spent away from my nonJW hubby, while I packed myself and the kids up drove with the JWs to a thrilling (sarcasm here) convention to drag myself around in overcrowded and hot stadiums and wish so much I was camping and fishing and relaxing with my hubby...
I dare say most of us here sacrificed MUCH for the book company we had dedicated our LIFE to serving....and I also feel that we ALSO have spent those years JUST "detaching ourselves from our true feelings and emotions. We're "old hands" at that game.
JWs are GREAT at this "detachment" that Amac speaks of...that's why the WTS is so successful in its aim to continually honor the brainblocked Dubs...to their slavery and servitude.....
Thanks for your reply, 4JWY...
Annie: Hi!
Can you believe those words, "DETACH YOURSELF FROM YOUR EMOTIONS" came from the voice of a CO, to my dad?
-and although some are sick of hearing about, he took the guy's advice.
I believe the topic of this thread was HARMFUL OR DANGEROUS? If you want to continue your conversation about banning JW's, I know that is on another thread with the title of JW'S BANNED IN RUSSIA.
You are absolutely right. My discussion does revolve around the idea of banning religions. I was under the impression that this thread was a defense for the reasoning behind banning the JWs. If it is not, then I apologize for going off track. If it is simply about whether or not the WT is harmful or not, then I would agree that they are very harmful and damaging to some, BUT they are very helpful and comforting to others, some people just like to be led.
However, I am turned off by both you and Sunspot's method of arguing, resorting to ad hominem arguments and saying things like "Typical JWcultspeak" and "typical of watchtowerthink." Taking my wording and then twisting it to "Life is not miniscule. Is yours?" is not only wrong but completely irrelevant to the discussion. I never inferred that life is miniscule.
I am NOT so sure that you ARE as "open-minded" as you claim. Just in saying in the next breath (line) that the STOCK MARKET is a part of the problem I addressed, is ludicrous.
I didn't say that the stock market is part of the problem. Rather then RE-explain, it might be best for you to reread my post.
If YOU are comfortable serving the Watchtowergod, so be it.
FYI, I don't serve the "Watchtowergod."
: "Detach yourselves from your emotions" - no, thank you. They contribute to my color in life which is something more vibrant now than ever.
I'm sorry to say then you will always be susceptible to being easily influenced by others, unless you decide to think objectively. And NO JWS are NOT good at detaching themselves from the emotions, that is how the WT traps them is through their emotions of love, guilt, subservience, etc. If it was logic, the religion would have fell apart ages ago.