Of course we all know that many ex-JW's are doing this online constantly and that's a good thing. Whether by you tubes, websites, blogs, etc. the worldwide community of ex-JW's has been and will continue to be proactive in putting out REAL information to counteract and offset the lies and fantasy propaganda put out by the WT Society.
As realists some or perhaps many of us realize that this won't bring the WT Society down overnight as the mind control of the WT Society is strong and manipulates millions of unaware people. However in each of our little communities I suggest that we CAN make a change or difference in making JW's and non-JW's aware of the injustices committed by the WT organization.
For instance some ideas to counteract the huge JW.org propaganda machine being pushed may be to just approach Witnesses as they are standing at their JW.org stands - NOT to argue, NOT to debate doctrine- but to come to them out of CONCERN for their welfare that they aren't being told about criminal actions of child abuse or be aware that a pedophile may be sitting in the next seat to them at their local congregation. Then proceed to hand them perhaps News releases discussing the Lopez case in San Diego where WT Society had to pay out 13,5 million for refusing to testify or give out information. Or the Oregon child abuse case, Conti case, any of them. Perhaps ask leading questions while posing as an unbeliever who is concerned but has relatives inside the Witnesses ; perhaps questions like : If somebody is ex-communicated in your religion would you KNOW if it was for child abuse ? Do they announce WHO is a child molester in your church so parents can be warned for their children's safety ? Or mention to them that your JW relatives told you that the elders have to contact the WT legal department first before they ever contact the police . Ask them if they are aware of that policy ? Ask them to ask their elders about it.
Ask them isn't the safety of children being potential victims important enough to insist that the congregation be made aware if a person is a molester or pedophile among them ? Isn't this the responsible thing to do ? Then let them answer. See where they go with it.
I have had some interesting results in my little community talking to JW's when they are on breaks at Starbucks using this technique , or when they are doing street work with JW,org, or even at times I've slipped WT child abuse news releases under car windshield at parking lots at Kingdom Halls to get the word out about what's happening.
Bottom line is that there are MANY ways that we as ex-JW's can responsibly counteract the information control of the WT Society organization. All it takes is effort and the willingness to assist others so they won't stay in the dark without information. Probably up to 95 % of the JW's right now are not aware of all the child abuse lawsuits against the WT Society right now or any other unjust WT actions that are occurring. All it takes from us is the willingness to show caring to others like someone reached out to us when we first exited.
Do some of you folks have any suggestions on HOW we can not only inform JW's in our own little communities , perhaps starting small cracks of doubt among them , but also assist non-JW's to look into the dangers of the WT Society and warn them before they join ? I'm all ears here. Would be interested to see your ideas and thoughts ! Let's brainstorm ! Who knows ? In small little increments you and I may make a difference in our own geographical areas . Take care all, Love & Peace out, Mr. Flipper