Water baptism is NOT Christs baptism. It was the baptism of John the Baptizer. Jesus' baptism would be greater than John The Baptizers. His would be with Holy Spirit and Fire. (Matthew 3:11)
Yes, Jesus allowed himself to get baptized with water by John but that was for a reason. Jesus was making a public display to all present who were getting baptized by John that from that day forward, discipleship will cease and so will his baptism. All discipleship will be to Christ and he will baptize with holy spirit and fire. Even John did not want to baptize Jesus with "his"baptism in water because he knew that his ministry was diminishing and another one was starting and it would have a GREATER baptism.
So this tradition of water baptism today is all wrong.
One should ask themselves: Why do we not see Jesus baptizing any of his disciples in water? Why do why not see Jesus' disciples baptizing each other or other who wanted to be disciples of Christ in water? Because they did not practice water baptism and would not have. They knew that Jesus' baptism would be with holy spirit and fire.
Some will say what about the Ethiopian eunuch of Acts Chapter 8 got baptized in water. Acts 8:37 is missing in many Bible translations. I believe it was removed and a story was fabricated to push "water" baptism. I really believe this is what happened. Why? Because it is inconsistent with Jesus' baptism.
This ploy has worked. What do people think about when baptism is mentioned? Water baptism, not baptism with holy spirit and fire (Jesus' baptism).
While we DO NOT read of Jesus himself baptizing even the men he chose (The 12 Apostles) in water, we DO read of him sending and baptizing his disciples with holy spirit and fire. NEVER with water. This is consistent with his baptism. (Acts 2:1-4)