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    These are my recommendations for books that we can add to our own personal theocratic libraries. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has provided much Bible study material for us that will save our lives and make us grow spiritually strong. The books listed here are extra reading material that we, as Jehovah's Witnesses, might enjoy since they pertain to our history, beliefs, and way of life, both from the point of view of our brothers and secular writers. I have all of these books in my own library and have enjoyed them immensely and I can conscientiously recommend all of them. I have indicated whether each book was written by a brother or not at the time that the book was released. They are presented in no particular order. I have a few other books in transit and as I acquire them they will be listed at the top of the page. If you have any titles that you have read and think could be added to this list please let me know, I'm always on the look out for new books. Happy reading!

    Tsk tsk tsk. Sounds like this brother is not satisfied with the abundant spiritual food already provided by God's Channel(TM). Tsk tsk.

    At least his review contains all the important info that any book review should have: Author name, publisher, year of publication, and most importantly: Is the author a Witness?

  • gumby
    The books listed here are extra reading material that we, as Jehovah's Witnesses, might enjoy since they pertain to our history, beliefs, and way of life, both from the point of view of our brothers and secular writers

    From the point of veiw from a handfull of men, who cherry pick secular writers who agree with them in a few areas, but largely disagree with them in most other things. Other faiths have points of views from men and secular writer also........what's the difference?

    *kicks self in the arse real hard for being dumb for over 40 years*


  • Gopher

    Doesn't this JW know the verse in Ecclesiastes that says "to the making of MANY books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome"??

    This list of books goes on and on and on.

    Perhaps it's a good thing, maybe it'll distract some JW's from the boring stuff they get spoonfed week after week, year after year by the Watchtower babble & crap society.

    I just KNEW that joker FIrpo Carr's book about "JW's from the African-American point of view" would be on this list. I showed this title one time to a loyal JW lady (who happened to be African-American) and she just rolled her eyes.

  • Nosferatu
    Bad Blood
    Author: George Dalgleish Year Published: 1989 Is the author a Witness: Yes
    Publisher: Pennefather Publishers Pages: 218 ISBN: 0969388004
    Modern medical science has increased knowledge of the human body in recent years resulting in improved methods of treating illnesses and injury. This book looks at up-to-date medical knowledge and procedures in respect to blood transfusion, the safety and benefits of alternatives, and how to obtain bloodless treatment and surgery. It is written objectively from the medical viewpoint, complete with interviews with noted physicians, surgeons and lawyers. It is a well presented and intensely interesting publication for the avid reader who desires additional information on the subject.

    My mother has this book. She's actually had a job packaging these books for shipping. As a side note, George Dalgleish now has Alzheimer's disease.

    Some of the "interviews" that were conducted were obviously with fellow JWs.

    The guy who owns this website is from my city. Please feel sorry for me.

  • Quotes

    Nos, I *DO* feel sorry for you.

    Perhaps you should arrange a shepherding call?

    Some of the "interviews" that were conducted were obviously with fellow JWs.

    Heaven's, NO! Are you saying that these books might not be totally unbiased? I'm so ashamed and confused!!! ;)

  • Gopher
    Some of the "interviews" that were conducted were obviously with fellow JWs.

    This is such a cynical, apostate view.

    Why, the JW's are always intellectually honest and would NEVER lead us to believe that they conducted interviews with impressed "worldly" ones while actually quoting fellow JW's.

    Why, we just KNOW that worldly ones are always impressed by the scholarship and logic presented by the JW's. That's why people are knocking themselves out by the millions to become Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Farkel


    : I just KNEW that joker FIrpo Carr's book about "JW's from the African-American point of view" would be on this list. I showed this title one time to a loyal JW lady (who happened to be African-American) and she just rolled her eyes.

    Have you ever seen that clown on TV? He's a PIMP! He has tried to work his way into the Jackson family and still appear to be a "scholar" while also pretending to be a dub. That is balancing act that even clowns like him will regret.

    Firpo Carr is a loser. BITE ME, Firpo!


  • Gopher


    Yeah I've seen Firpo Carr on the boob tube. I almost immediately thought "Huggy Bear!", that slick character from the old "Starsky and Hutch" program.

    If you look at and look at the "Is Michael Jackson a JW" story, you'll see stuff about Carr's questionable link to MJ.

    I relish the thought of Watchtower leaders squirming and having to change their Depends when seeing this Carr guy on TV.

  • Euphemism

    Wow, I was aware of a few of the publications by Witnesses, but there are considerably more than I knew about!

    A lot of it is codswallop, of course. But to me, it's still a positive sign; it proves that despite all the Watchtower's attempts to enforce mind-deadening uniformity, they cannot completely supress the spirit of academic inquiry, the drive to share one's writings, or the plain old desire to make a buck.

    Even someone like Rolf Furuli, as laughable as his arguments are, deserves some props for recognizing that the WTS' current defenses of its doctrine are inadequate. I can't imagine the strain of cognitive dissonance the poor guy labors under. I have a feeling that if the WTS were ever to get "new light" on 607, it would probably snap him right out of the organization.

  • Leolaia

    So has anyone here read Rolf Furuli's new book on chronology, and has Jonsson fired off a rebuttal yet? Interesting that Furuli is busily engaged in translating 1 Enoch, Gilgamesh, and the Dead Sea Scrolls into Norwegian. And does anyone know anything about his book "Science and Bible translation - Christianizing and Mythologizing of the Hebrew text of the Bible"? While he is surely correct about not Christianizing the text of the OT (i.e. smuggling NT-style exegesis into the text of the OT), for the obvious reason that such would anachronistically anticipate much later theological developments, one cannot speak of "mythologizing" the OT in the same way, because it explicitly builds on Canaanite/ANE mythological material already in place and otherwise known from both extrabiblical and biblical texts. I haven't read what he wrote, so I cannot represent his position, but it is interesting that he is evidently well-familiar with ANE material and has thought about these issues himself (taking, evidently, a very conservative WTS-conforming position).

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