My parents became dubs in the late 70's, after the 1975 debacle. Admitedly, my mom did have one dub relative on her side of the family but the main reason my parents became dubs was because of one influential and convincing pioneer couple who studied with them. I know we are all mostly victims of victims but often I think of what if, what if that pioneer couple had never studied with my parents, perhaps I would have had a much better childhood and a better start to my adulthood. More disturbing is the fact that now that I know what I know about the WT and the year 1975, among many other things, how could they of in good conscience preached to my parents?
It just so happens that I know where that pioneer couple live, (they actually live in Grenada in the special pioneering work), and I was thinking of writing them a pay it forward type of letter. It might read like this:
Dear Pioneer Couple
I am the son of Mr. and Mrs. **************, no doubt you remember my parents from your old KH and how you brought them into the "truth". I am writing to let you know that your damaging message stops here. I will never be a Witness, and I will make it my goal to make sure that everyone knows the real truth about the corruption of the WT. I want to thank you for my wonderful childhood. I want to thank you for never being in any school activities. I want to thank you for never having a girlfriend. I want to thank you for all those missed holidays. I want to thank you totally screwing up my life and my parent's life. (I might go on but you get the point.) Anyways, all of your work is being undone. I realize you are not totally to blame and that someone else studied with you before you studied with my parents. Thus, please forward this letter to them as well. Also, please feel welcome to write a response to explain your actions.