"Sleepy Time Tea" to help you get to sleep?
by codeblue 37 Replies latest watchtower medical
"Sleepy Time Tea" to help you get to sleep?
nope.... does it actually work?
Kansas District Overbeer
I find it very calming....usually put about 2 tablespoons of honey in it too...(cause I use 2 teabags)
Melatonin is my best friend... Works wonders for people on the night shift and insomniacs.
I could use it... I have been sleeping real rough here lately. Stress from work has me dreaming about that shit now. :puke:
Kansas District Overbeer
I have tried Melatonin too...but after a while I have the freakiest dreams...or should I say: nightmares
Yeah, it does induce some very vivid dreams. With a little "dream training" (which can be quite fun) I have managed to overcome my nightmares and no longer have any. Admittedly though, I did stop using melatonin a few years ago for the same reason you did. Now I am over my nightmares, it works like a charm.
Please explain the "dream training"?
Many years ago when I lived in the City, always had a hard time going to sleep.
It is mostly a combination of awareness and willpower exercises. It helps you to recognize dreams for what they are, and allows you to change them, either consciously or unconsciously. With this training, many people find that their frequency of nightmares is reduced. I am currently taking it to the next level, which is consciously changing my dreams, called lucid dreaming. It essentially is when you wake up in your dream, and take control of it... do what you want just as in waking life, but without the limitations. It is fun, as I have flown in my lucid dreams before, and it feels amazing. It can be used for everything from examining your subconscious to having sex with whoever you like, and it feels perfectly real.