How many rules are there??

by beaker 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    How about the "shunning" rule?

    and especially the shunning of family members......

    real loving faith, eh?

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ps. I will not even go into the "sex" rules.....

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ps. again

    the worst offender to me is the "2 person" rule for child abuse.

  • blondie

    How many rules are there?

    How high can you count?


  • micheal

    There are soooooooooooo many.

    - Do not walk in the hallways during the assembly.

    - Arrive at least 10 minutes early before the meeting for "wholesome association"

    - Do not chew gum during the meetings

    I could go on forever.

  • galaxy7

    no beards,no saluting flags,no rememberance day celebration

    no anthem singing,no singing or listening to gospel music

    no wearing crosses, no collections of religious objects

    no christmas,easter,birthdays,mothers day,fathersday,valentines day

    no new years eve celebrations,no saint patricks day parade,no thanksgiving

    no sports day for the kids,no yw/ymca for the kids

    no afterschool clubs for kids

    no taking part in making xmas decorations,halloween,easter ,valentine,thanksgiving decorations by jw kids in school

    no to giving your mother a mothers day of fathers day card or present

    no reading any other religious material

    no associating or talking to apostates

    no going to other churches

    no associating with worldy people

    no praying with unbelievers

    no joining armed forces,no tobacco blood,no smoking

    no watching bewitched,jeanie,xfiles

    no boxing or watching boxing

    no sports such as judo and karate

    no tatoos,no government jobs,no working for the united nations

    no talking to the disfellowshiped

    no watching religious shows

    no sex outside of marriage

    no reading bible without watchtower material

    no bingo,casinos,lotteries or any other gambling

    no believing dinosaurs lived millions of years ago

    no praying by women in front of men unless they have a bag over their head

    no pants for women in the service or at the meetings even if its 50 below

    no religious pictures unless its on the watchtower calendar

    no oath of allegience

    no blood sausage

    no jury duty

  • Carmel

    disobedient children to be stoned to death along with adulterers, et al.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Anthropologist attribute Four rules or needs to the most primitive man : (1) Food and Shelter (2) Procreation [ sex drive ] (3) Incest Taboo.[ don't procreate with your blood relatives ] (4) Doctrine of self preservation [ fear of death ] That's it, just Four rules in life. The son of man,Jesus Christ elaborates that there only TWO rules in life: (1) Love God with all your being (2) Love your neighbor as yourself. Cults, always count the rules and count the Lawyers it's a dead giveaway. Undaunted Danny,The 'apostate with attitude'

  • ozziepost
    Cults, always count the rules

    Ain't that the truth! On that basis, the Borg is a leader of the pack!

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