What books are in the Bethel Library?
by badboy 13 Replies latest jw friends
its been a few years but they have literature going a long way back - way before the cutoff on the CD rom.
also, i believe they had the bood of Mormon and there is lots of general secular reference works like encyclopedias and so forth
many different bible translations as well
before this site, I only once dabbled with putting in 'jehovah's witnesses' into a search engine and it was while i was at bethel (when i first was ever hooked up to the internet). I avoided the 'apostate' stuff, however, not before reading about the claim of some impropriety or other by the organization in germany before wwII at some meeting hall. The reference on the net was to a very old yearbook that would normally be hard to find but was there at the bethel library and i looked up the info. It was inconclusive to me and funny enough, that same year (1998) the society came out with an article in an awake I believe, addressing this claim by 'apostates' although how truthful it was I don't know. I never looked for outside information on the org until 8 weeks ago and even that was a fluke looking for a different article on the proposal by a group called 'formulism' to the UN to ban religion. My wiffee found a link to this site where the full quote about the group is somewhere.
'God is dead: Secularization in the West', by Steve Bruce (London, Blackwell 2002)
Believe it or not, apostate literature.
boa, the Net article you refer to almost certainly was about Rutherford's cozying up to the Nazi's in 1933. The Society published an Awake! article that contained the usual coverups and obfuscations. Sometime in 2004, James Penton's book about this will be published through the University of Lethbridge, I believe. It's fully documented with material far beyond what appears in the 1934 Yearbook you looked up. It's devastating to the Watchtower Society.
When I was on a private tour in 1990, one of the big shots (we met him on our bus in Poland, for the special assemblies) took us into a locked room, a private library. In it, on a shelf, I spotted one of Ray Franz' books. Also Playboy magazines that he pointed out to me. He said they get a copy of almost every magazine printed so they know what is "out there",
Also Playboy magazines that he pointed out to me. He said they get a copy of almost every magazine printed so they know what is "out there",
Oh, OF COURSE!!!!! That makes sense then, brothers. Spiritual warfare and all, naturally. Nothing to see here, move along. Oh, there is a 3 year waiting list for this "special" research material.
And they only get it for the articles, right? Or do they consult the photo-spreads when painting new artwork of Eve in the garden?
~Quotes, of the "I read Porn Stars Review for the Articles and to see what's out there" Class -
OK, now that I've got my sarcasm out of my system.
This guy has pics of the Canadian LEGAL library: http://members.shaw.ca/theotrip2/g03/g03.htm -- scroll down.
My my, that legal library seems pretty large for a religious organization, wouldn't you say?
On this page http://members.shaw.ca/theotrip/b/b.htm he has a photo of the Brooklyn library:
"The library at the Office Complex. We're looking at a very small portion of it here. Incidentally, all the books you see in this photo are, among other things, Watchtower bound volumes going back to the very first one."
Wow!!!! The very first one!!!! Does anyone ever read the old ones, I wonder. Along that same reasoning, I present from this Dub's photo collection:"One of the old Photo-Drama of Creation portable projectors as seen in the archival display at the Office Complex."
I wonder why they show the Photo-Drama projector and not the contents of the Photo-Drama. I guess all those Cross&Crowns, together with all those Pyramid references would be too "confusing". -
Quotes, been in that library at the canada legal department when on our new bethelite introductory tour which is more extensive than the one normal dubs get.
AlanF - I haven't researched it, but I heard there was something out there that debunked the wts debunking effort of the Nazi meeting hall 'scandal'. Looking forward to his new book. Can you tell us any more about other things that will be in it? I just ordered his 'other' book from commentary press the other day.
I guess it was bound to happend that the wts would p off the wrong people in the wrong time period - ie, the information age and said people would have no problem returning in kind the treatment they received.
Apparently they also have some overdue books from the UN library, they've forgotten to return as well.