Because I finally accepted the fact that I no longer believed it and didn't want to live the lie of acting as if I still did.
Why Did You Leave "The Truth"?
by Corvin 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
got my forty homey?
For me it was a series of events that occured very quickly that made me realize it was time for me to leave. First was my horrible experience in Bethel, then came my Fathers ultimatum of Pioneer or leave the house, and finally a young sister I was seeing was seeing someone else! Lots of stuff to happen in one week. But I am grateful it did happen cause it opened my eyes to the foolishness called Joe Witlesses.
i left for a number of reasons... i had my own views on scriptures, which being a witness would mean i had to bury them inside myself in the hope that one day, many years from then my questions would be answered, my reasoning then was that if i am to be judged because of my actions, let them be MY actions, if god gives me a mind and it leads me to ask questions, and i ignore those questions, then shame on me and a slap in the face for god. i don't know if i believe in any god now, but i do know that if there is one, before he sends me to hell i can at least say in my defence that i used my mind and followed what i thought was the best path with open eyes, albeit now i know i have not taken the best path, i have taken my own path, and if i go to hell for that, i'm cool with it.
not to mention the MANY issues i had with psychotic homocidal hov.
...other things which helped tip the scale... i noticed from being very young the way jw's taught not to gossip or bad mouth or get drunk or do all this other bad shit, when by routine my whole life i saw these same jw's doing this.
hospitality... jw's are only hospitable to their own, or to people they think they can convert, this is so fake.
there are lots of other reasons, but never was it the things the world offered that made me want to leave, i left a lie to try to find some truth.
Why do birds fly?
Why do fish swim?
Why does the sun shine?
It's too hard to write about it--I saw and felt too much pain...
many things piled up...............years of pioneering, that were literally a waste of my time..................watching my husband work so hard as an elder, with little appreciation for all he did for families in crisis and the hours and hours of studying he did, and the congregation not being prepared.
Apart from the doctrinal things, that became glaring lies, there was so much politicing (politics) in the congregations that I stopped seeing it as something special and began to see it as a corrupt religion, no different from hundreds of others. They were NOT what they said they were.
I was disfellowshipped NOT because of immorality, lying, stealing, etc. I was kicked out because I refused to follow rules that weren't based on God's Word. (The specific complaint at the time was the rights of the sisters to wear Legwarmers in the Field Service on cold days) Sounds funny but a true story!
Since that time, I've made mistakes, fell on my face a few times but I Never felt God's spirit had left me. I am happier now as a Christian than I ever was as a JW. The freedom to ask questions and be heard is wonderful. "I am still making sure of all things and will continue to hold fast to what is fine"
True North
(The specific complaint at the time was the rights of the sisters to wear Legwarmers in the Field Service on cold days) Sounds funny but a true story!
You got disfellowshipped over legwarmers? I'll say that sounds funny! How did that happen? Did the elders get you for "creating divisions" by telling the other sisters to go ahead and wear them despite whatever the elders said, or something like that?
Even tho I believed it was the truth.told my husband after several attempts at studying (I was reluctant to take a stand) we both have large families and knew it would be opposed & it was.loudly. I thought man this is what I have always been looking for.Within 2 years myself our teen-age son were baptised.then 1 year later.Husband & teen daughter were baptised.Felt like we had to "adhere",we did then an incident or rather a series of things happened that I could not get thru on my own so. taking advice from congregation went to an elder. (It was actually my husband had been taken advantage of by an elder who was arrogant anyway and real hard to "follow". in a bartering deal that involved exchanging labor for labor) any way I felt bad & only needed a sounding place. (I was sexually abused as a child not by a witness but by my step dad) But the pain I suffer from that was nothing compared to treatment I recieved from that elder. The one I went to for help got the bro. I was questioning actions about to sit in on conversation and too my husband. I have seen a demon.It was that brother that night after that meeting is one I will never forget.He crushed my Spirit. We stayed active. Eventually moved a Thousand miles away.Started in a new congregation. hit the ground a runnin.But 8 years and counting I never forgot(never got over) what we went thru. Slowly we all left the new congregation lack of love,support,compassion. Adult son Df'd.Adult daughter struggling with wanting to try to become active.She has a 4 year old we all love so much. she wants child to "live forever" and her husband has always been favorable. Decided it was time to research Why my heart feels like it is breaking at the thought of them getting involved in something I am so in doubt of now.I am stunned after all these years I still cry. Going over that even so briefly.Hope I didn't talk too much. Thanks.
Even tho I believed it was the truth.told my husband after several attempts at studying (I was reluctant to take a stand) we both have large families and knew it would be opposed & it was.loudly. I thought man this is what I have always been looking for.Within 2 years myself our teen-age son were baptised.then 1 year later.Husband & teen daughter were baptised.Felt like we had to "adhere",we did then an incident or rather a series of things happened that I could not get thru on my own so. taking advice from congregation went to an elder. (It was actually my husband had been taken advantage of by an elder who was arrogant anyway and real hard to "follow". in a bartering deal that involved exchanging labor for labor) any way I felt bad & only needed a sounding place. (I was sexually abused as a child not by a witness but by my step dad) But the pain I suffer from that was nothing compared to treatment I recieved from that elder. The one I went to for help got the bro. I was questioning actions about to sit in on conversation and too my husband. I have seen a demon.It was that brother that night after that meeting is one I will never forget.He crushed my Spirit. We stayed active. Eventually moved a Thousand miles away.Started in a new congregation. hit the ground a runnin.But 8 years and counting I never forgot(never got over) what we went thru. Slowly we all left the new congregation lack of love,support,compassion. Adult son Df'd.Adult daughter struggling with wanting to try to become active.She has a 4 year old we all love so much. she wants child to "live forever" and her husband has always been favorable. Decided it was time to research Why my heart feels like it is breaking at the thought of them getting involved in something I am so in doubt of now.I am stunned after all these years I still cry. Going over that even so briefly.Hope I didn't talk too much. Thanks.
Thanks for telling a little of your story, Bem.
Every step is a step on the road of healing.Welcome to the board