Book Study Conductor Becomes An Ass

by Corvin 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Corvin

    My daughter has been dating a non-baptized JW boy, 18, we will call him "Casey"; she is 17, and he seems to be OK that I am an apostate. He comes over to the house, spends hours talking to the entire family, including apostate me, and he is truly remarkable in that he cares not what others might say about his association with my daughter and me. Good kid. My daughter tells me that they have professed their love for each other. Cute. Ok, so now to the point of this post.

    The two of them came in this evening from a date and he hung out and talked. He told us about last weeks book study in a Witness's home where they had a "fill-in" conductor/elder. There was a younger couple attending this book study with an infant baby, and the baby was making a fuss, as most babies do. The father left the room several times so as to not keep distracting the others from the lesson, just as he should have. What do you think this book study conductor did?

    According to my future son-in-law, Casey, **lol** the old fart actually stopped the book study three times or more to counsel and repremand the brother (in front of the other bros and sisses) about "keeping his children in line". Casey said that after the book study, more than a couple of those attending approached this brother elder to tell him how inappropriate his comments were. "What a jerk", Casey concluded.

    I like this boy, for he seems to be an independent thinker. He might just get himself free of the organization yet, before it's too late.

    Kind Regards,


  • zigthink

    Hard to believe. I wonder who he thought he was impressing? He probly thought everyone would think him exceeding righteous. idiot.

  • ozziepost
    He might just get himself free of the organization yet

    He might, but not wishing to be negative, it's not at all probable. We even have posters here who are exposed to the truth about "The Troof" daily and yet, forone reason or another, stay within the confines of the borg.

    Perhaps it's too comfortable??

    Still, let's hope that in the case of your future S-I-L, it's the case that freedom's call is too strong.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • zigthink

    Why is it "not probable" Oz? Id disagree, the chances are 50 / 50 he will leave as a young man. He sounds a bit too reasonable minded to stay in, to me.

  • Corvin
    He might, but not wishing to be negative, it's not at all probable. We even have posters here who are exposed to the truth about "The Troof" daily and yet, forone reason or another, stay within the confines of the borg.

    It is one thing to come here to this forum anonymously, but it is altogether a different thing to phyically go into the house of a known df'd person, let alone someone who has disclosed to you that they would be considered an apostate by the Society. I mean, that takes some balls to begin with.

    I think the odds might be better than you imagine, Ozz. When he arrives or leaves my home, he now gives me hugs on top of handshakes. I think this kid might be different.


  • zigthink

    I agree Korvin. I think his chances are pretty good. He doesnt smell like a zealot to me. Purely the matter of his recounting the story of the book study conductor shows he thinks outside the box.

  • Corvin

    Hi zigthink, welcome! and it's Corvin, lol, not Korvin.

    All I know is that he is genuinely respectful to my daughter and my wife and me (not eddie haskel-like tho) and he makes my daughter want to be a better person, and she is happy. He has "no knocking" priveledges now which means that he walks in the house without having to politely knock, just like family. No, this is not a typical JW kid case.

  • wednesday

    Corvin, u sound like u have a happy family. Hope you/wife good influence on this kid will help him escape the WTS.

    The worst thing that ever happened to me at a BS was this:A very upscale couple were allowing it to be in their home, told the BS conductor that they did not want me, my hubby or our baby back in their home. . The brother who had to telll us, was so embarassed, he said it was a racial/economic thing. (us being the poor white trash, i guess) I never understood it. we were poor, but not loud, stupid or dirty. The elder said they were wrong and he could not believe they were getting away with it, but he had to assign us to the KH since we could not go to their home. I was so young and inexperienced, i did not realize question the elder and just humbly accepted it as direction form jehovah.

  • blondie

    It's a good thing Blondie doesn't go to that book study. I would have worked a comment into the study about how a sister who came to the meetings on her own with several children. One was hard to handle. She couldn't leave the others alone to take the child to the back so a discerning, and loving brother got up and took the antsy one to the back and calmed him down. Little did he know was that the sister had decided to make that her last meeting because she was so frustrated. That loving act encouraged her to keep trying. Now if he had yelled at her and held her up to public ridicule....

    Blondie (I remember those days)

  • Maverick

    The WTS filled these Elders heads with feelings of their own wisdom and importance. The weaker the character and self-esteem the Elder has the bigger bluster and ego he displays. I am glad he was called to task by other members of the Book Study. I am curious how the conductor responded to the criticism? Maverick

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