Little Freedoms

by cruzanheart 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Now that you're no longer a JW, do you wish people "good luck" or say "bless you" when they sneeze? Wish people a "Happy Easter" voluntarily and not just mumble "same to you" when they wish it to you? I do, and every time I do I get a little thrill and smile to myself because it's just ONE MORE THING I now have the freedom to do, AND it's a little thing but I think it shows care and respect for my fellow humans. So what if "good luck" means you're worshipping the God of Luck? What you're really doing is telling that person that you wish them well, you're on their side. So what if "bless you" dates to the time when people thought you were expelling demons when you sneezed, or some such nonsense? By acknowledging the sneeze you are acknowledging the person and telling them that you noticed them in a good way, and that you wish them good health. The same with holidays -- you are telling that person that you wish them happiness in whatever they are celebrating.

    I like being part of the human race again.


  • Emma

    Me, too, Nina! It's been like walking out of a cave into the warm sunlight. I love responding to others without the old wts reservations.


  • English Patient
    English Patient

    Yeah, but to be honest I used to say those things anyway.

    I remember a book study once, it was all about 'using lucky charms'. After the meeting, the old woman always made tea and biscuits, this time was no exception. We were debating how much sugar we each put in our tea; I said one, and then 'one for good luck'.

    When I said this, the room just went deadly silent. One sarcastic elder turned to me and asked if I had taken notice of the study, or was a just daydreaming. Can you believe I lost a relationship with his daughter over that? We used to get on sooo well, but just one bad move made me into some kind of monster. Seriously, she just stopped speaking with me.

    Man, I blew that one.

  • Stefanie

    This will be our third Easter. My hubby thinks that my 12 year old daughter(from previous marriage) might be too old for an easter basket. Because he has a daughter the same age. I say no, this is all still new to her, she thinks its all fun and cute. I will get her a basket untill she is 18 if it brings a smile to her soul.

  • Quotes

    Yup, I'm enjoying the freedom of normalcy!

    Of course, JWs will say that we are all enjoying evil satan backed things, and it was our weekness in this area that caused us to stray.

    To that I say, dear lurker, you are so wrong; you don't even know what you are talking about.

    I mean come on. Think of the irony: As a "god-fearing" person, you can't say "God Bless You" when someone sneezes?

    Wishing a blessing is bad??????

    How messed up is that!!!!! I tried to explain this to a friend recently, and he almost didn't believe me: "WHAT? They're NOT ALLOWED to say god bless you?????? Why not, don't they believe in god????"

  • itsallgoodnow

    Yeah, it's great. I've been doing all that stuff for a long time. I got on the phone this morning with one of my friends to wish her a happy birthday. It's a nice feeling. Ah, the freedom to express everyday kindnesses!

    Before, I would be focused on finding ways to have people not notice how I'm not responding "normally".

    PS - I think the birthday rules are there to force JWs to sever all ties with outsiders. Some people get seriously offended if you don't recognize their birthdays. I've had friendships break down because of missed parties, and they knew I was a witness, but couldn't get over that I missed "their" birthday party! And all for nothing - there really is no scriptural reason not to celebrate this.

  • galaxy7


    Every year I made ukranian easter eggs now my husband wont let me make them

    so here is a present for everyone


  • KKLUV155

    I particularly like to say bless you to a baby when they sneeze because of the smile that comes across their face.

    Stefanie: My husband and I still make Easter baskets for his kids and they are 30 and 27. Some never grow up. Your little girl needs this right now to feel "normal". Don't take it away from her so soon. Give her some time to make up for lost Easters.

  • Stefanie

    Thank you, thats exactly how I feel about it. We are going to make up for all the lost holidays.

    Christmas gets better every year.

  • Octavia

    OMG Galaxy 7... those are fabulously beautiful. They are exquisite!. Please tell me how to make such beautiful symbols of rebirth and fertility for my own family to enjoy.

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