Scooby, I'm not talking about simply being impatient. I'm referring to false prophecies and other lies that JWs believe that may not even happen in a lifetime.
Were You One Who "Waited On Jehovah"? ----- What Did It Get You??
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
got my forty homey?
I waited and waited and got what everyone else did!
I'm still waiting for my new tooth.
In 1974, our next door neighbor and fulltime pioneer sister told me to "just pull my bottom molar instead of getting it fixed as it was cheaper to have it pulled..........and Armageddon would be here next year and I'd get a new one anyway". I'm still waiting.
run dont walk
still waiting,
he will answer, you just wait and see, and when he does look out, you will all be sorry,
okay maybe i'm dreaming
is it me or does waiting on Jehovah, sound alot like Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin,
Do you think the Great Pumpkin and Jehovah are related ???
poor Gumby. But think of all the money that you saved at the dentist.
I guess I wasn't very good at waiting on Jehovah.. I sure heard it a lot though...
My favorite was when they told me to wait on Jehovah for me to find a brother.. after I got divorced.. I was out doing things, traveling, etc,.. meeting people and many in the cong thought I should have just stayed home.. did only meetings and service.. they kept saying.. Jehovah will provide.. stay home.. things will be taken care of..
I told them.. what is he going to do??? Drop him off on my doorstep?? I live on a dead end road in the middle of the country..
They said I had no faith..
well I guess now I don't...
but .. I did what I wanted.. which included enjoying my life.. And as it turned out dating men out of the JW life......
so I guess I didnt' wait on Jehovah..
Ironically.. the best men I have ever dated.. were not active JWs.. go figure..
I know of many sisters that "waited on Jehovah" to find a mate, have kids, etc. They're now old and angry because evidently God didn't answer their prayers for some reason.
Usually the guy telling you to "wait on Jehovah" had 15 sisters lined up to snag him. A man in the WTS has to be pretty bad to be unable to find a wife. Usually the ugly, poor ones with mental tics are left, but not always.
"Wait on Jehovah" means:
The elders have decided that it creates too much work for them to listen to your request
The elders have already lied to the CO about this and cannot reverse their statements
The elders could do something but it is too inconvenient for them.
The elders are covering for some family member and if you push the issue it may be found out
How many JWs realize that the early Christians were living in a "judgment period" and were expecting Jesus to return. Is there any indication that they did not get married, have children, build homes? Even the pictures in the WT of that period don't indicate that.
JWs have found a new way to find a mate, the Internet. On the JW DBs, it is a common occurrence, and many times the main motive as both of them disappear off the DBs after the happy event.
My favorite "old expression", recently discovered:
"Pray in one hand, and piss in the other, and see which one fills up faster."
I'll bet some JWs figure------why wait on Jehovah when I can find the answer on the internet.