If you have any bodies buried and you live near me,,,,

by kls 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls

    you better make sure you bury them really deep cause my dog will find it and bring it home. I have a 10mth old Bloodhound and you would not believe the dead stuff she has brought me. In the past 3wks i have had skin's , skulls , leg bone's and i have no idea what yesterdays was. She can sniff out anything no matter how long it has been dead and want's to bring it in the house. I live 1400 ft. up on a hill so it ain't road kill and she comes back full of dirt ,so i know she is digging them up. I can hardly wait till it get's real hot out and see what will be next.

  • FMZ

    I'll be over tomorrow mate to retrieve that thing we had an agreement on.


  • FMZ

    Dammit... umm... please everyone disregard that last post. Ermm... yeah.


  • kls

    FMZ, not a problem i have it wrapped , well double wrapped, ah, triple wrapped for ya.

    Just remember no exchanges or refunds

  • FMZ

    Dude... quit saying my name. You'll incrimininimate me. You don't have to worry about refunds, it will all be gone within about 20 minutes.


  • FMZ

    Umm... everyone also disregard that last post again.


  • kls

    FMZ RUN DUDE , the nut house know's were you are!

  • Bulldog

    I have an American Bulldog and she also has the lovely habit of digging up long dead things and bringing them up to the light of day, with all the moose bones and deer bones here it looks like a crypt.

    She also helps add to the dead population by killing the odd stray cat or chicken and burying til it is ripe and rolling on it. The smell is just nasty.

  • boa

    FMZ, really, you know you can edit your posts within a day don't you?

    Well, now that you know this, please go ahead and edit out the incriminating information.

    Except I've copied it all and will hold it ransom and may even post it - LOL


  • Puternut

    Ohhh so FMZ has a secret stash of some sort eh? Well just so you know, I have a GPS tracking device. I'll be hunting you down......

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