Went To The Quick Build

by Undecided 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • czarofmischief

    The bumbling and wastage doesn't really bother me - we do live in a land of plenty after all, and if it makes some grocer feel important to help build a church to his god, then that's cool with me.

    What kills me is that the WT makes such a huge profit off their hard work. They lend the money at interest to build it, the congregation has to raise the money to buy the property in the first place, and finally - the whole shebang is signed over to the Borg, but the LOAN MUST STILL BE PAID OFF! With volunteer labor and (often) donated materials... dear Christ, come and cleanse this temple of the moneychangers, ah Lord, where is a whip of ropes when you need it?


  • Mary
    "...They lend the money at interest to build it, the congregation has to raise the money to buy the property in the first place, and finally - the whole shebang is signed over to the Borg, but the LOAN MUST STILL BE PAID OFF! With volunteer labor and (often) donated materials..."

    Whaaaaat??? Are you serious?? Holy shit, I didn't know that's how it worked!! I knew that head office lent them the money for the mortgage, but I always assumed that once it was paid off, that the local congregations all owned the property themselves!!! And what I really find disgusting interesting is that they lend this money at interest.

    Luke 6: 34-35 says:

    "....and to do good and to lend [without interest], not hoping for anything back and your reward will be great..."

    Well, I guess we know where THEIR reward is going to be...........but I don't think they'll think it's too "great" when they get there. What a bunch of greedy, slimy money changers!!

  • Undecided


    You forgot that the Borg IS God and they are giving Him interest.

    Ken P.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    The local congregation does own the property when it's paid off. This other BS gets repeated over and over again and it's simply not true. I've been involved in buying, building and selling several kingdom halls and I don't know where this comes from, other than wishful thinking.

  • czarofmischief

    How long ago, Pork Chop? The Society changed things - the cong's used to own their halls, but after some congregation suddenly seceded in TX and took their hall with them, the rules changed and the property gets deeded to the Society.


  • Euphemism

    Czar... do you have any evidence for that claim? That has not been true of any of the kingdom halls I've attended. (I always paid close attention to business matters.)

  • xjw_b12

    Ive gotta go with Czar on this one. I've always understood that deed and title ( once paid for ) went back to the Branch office of that country.

    There is no way the WTBTS would allow individual congregations to suceede their control.

  • gumby
    I was welcomed, but I wonder if they know my real view of the borg? Time will tell.

    I would think someone would have quized you about your wherabouts. Perhaps they will if they know how to contact you.

    Ken....I know the warm feeling you had to see "the friends". I too had that feeling when I went to the hall to hear my grandsons first talk. It's a feeling we were used to, a family feeling. If you were liked and had many friends.....and were grounded in the organisation.....that feeling can be powerful. Be glad you have the wisdom to tell you that compromising reality to have your friends back......isn't worth living a lie.


    *wonders if scooby will see this*

  • Satanus

    I used to enjoy the quickbuilds. I imagine that most dubs do, although for some it's getting to be old hat, and drudgery. Too bad the congs don't get to own them.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I know all about the deal in Texas, and there has been no change since. My informationl is recent, I will say it applies to the US and I have limited knowledge of other countries so I suppose it could be different there. But, in the US the Hall belongs to the congregation(s). As I said, this is a perpetual myth, I don't know why people keep going back to it when there are so many real issues to talk about.

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