POLL: If you're not actively a Christian - do you celebrate Easter?

by somebodylovesme 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebodylovesme

    I actually forgot it was Easter this weekend. Someone mentioned it yesterday, and I was pretty embarassed to have missed that little line on my calendar. Oh, well; since we are not practicing any religion and feel no more affinity toward Christianity than toward, say, Sikhism, I felt no ache in not partaking in the bunny-rabbit traditions. (Never a Witness, but I was raised in a somewhat religious family.)

    So I mentioned to mom that I forgot about Easter, and she asked if we were going to church tomorrow. I said... "No, of course not. We're not Christian." She was horrified and told me not to "admit" that to anyone publicly, because even people who "Aren't Christians celebrate Easter in a secular way." Not an hour later, I talked to a friend of mine who is devoutly atheist -- and she mentioned she was cooking Easter dinner. I'm like... wwhhhaaaaa? And she explains that it's a tradition and her family is coming over. hmmmm.

    Now, I understand Christmas, because it is more of a cultural thing anymore than a religious thing to a lot of people. But Easter? That has always been distinctly religious to me. So that's my question: if you're not a religious person, do you do anything for Easter? Dinner? Eggs? Church?

    Just curious. ;)


  • galaxy7

    i always made ukranian easter eggs and then gave them away to everyone

    this year no eggs, just like any other day

  • LittleToe

    I'm an active, communion-taking Christian, but don't celebrate Easter, especially.

  • Dan-O

    I have a ham defrosting for tomorrow's dinner, and I boiled eggs for my son to color this afternoon ... but I don't consider myself to be celebrating Easter. I almost forgot it was this weekend, too.

    Meanwhile, Mrs. O & the kids just left for the easter Vigil mass a few minutes ago. I guess that means I get to turn the stero up as loud as I want for a couple of hours and have a beer or two.

  • Carmel

    Never made much about Easter except for the ham dinner my MIL would make. We have other religious traditions and food is usually a large part of events. We love leg of lamb so use the spring festivals as an excuse to go for the lamb and mint jelly..plus all the side fixins.. better than thanksgiving..


  • Urbanparadise

    Ham? Is this an Americans version of Easter dinner?

    All I think of this time of year is come four or five days there will be cheap Easter eggs in the shops!!

    Gotta get me some of those Galaxy Truffle eggs and Crunchie specials! : )

  • Mulan

    No, nothing special.

  • somebodylovesme


    I am all about the candy. :)

  • Undecided

    My wife cooks dinner for all the kids and grandkids, and this time is going to hide easter eggs for the kids, plastic ones, with some money in each one so the kids will get excited when they find them.

    It's just a time to enjoy the family.

    Ken P.

  • moonwillow

    I agree with Undecided, it's a time to enjoy the family

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