I actually forgot it was Easter this weekend. Someone mentioned it yesterday, and I was pretty embarassed to have missed that little line on my calendar. Oh, well; since we are not practicing any religion and feel no more affinity toward Christianity than toward, say, Sikhism, I felt no ache in not partaking in the bunny-rabbit traditions. (Never a Witness, but I was raised in a somewhat religious family.)
So I mentioned to mom that I forgot about Easter, and she asked if we were going to church tomorrow. I said... "No, of course not. We're not Christian." She was horrified and told me not to "admit" that to anyone publicly, because even people who "Aren't Christians celebrate Easter in a secular way." Not an hour later, I talked to a friend of mine who is devoutly atheist -- and she mentioned she was cooking Easter dinner. I'm like... wwhhhaaaaa? And she explains that it's a tradition and her family is coming over. hmmmm.
Now, I understand Christmas, because it is more of a cultural thing anymore than a religious thing to a lot of people. But Easter? That has always been distinctly religious to me. So that's my question: if you're not a religious person, do you do anything for Easter? Dinner? Eggs? Church?
Just curious. ;)