i grew up having nightmares about armageddon, satan and, most of all Jehovah. i am 25 now and i still get nightmares, and they're always about these same things. i was wondering if my brain is overactive, or if other people on this site get nightmares about things they learned as a witness
by in a new york bethel minute 21 Replies latest social family
I used to get nightmares of Armageddon too... There were like a picture out of the Paradise Lost Book.. where there is chaos everywhere.. destruction.. you aren't sure where to run or be safe...
I haven't had those kind of dreams for a while.. maybe because I am not as fearful about Armageddon.. Now my nightmares are about accidentally walking into a meetings.. or a room full of witnesses that will force me to come back..
I've had an unsettling dream or two that simply incorporated people and events from past congregations, but no nightmares.
tazmanian russel
my nightmares are about my hair turning like that of a "SPIRITUALY MINDED YOUTH" or that i stop crossing the fine line between drinking and being drunk....but when i was a witness my biggest nightmare which became a reality once was going to a party , then the next day in service ringing on the door bell of the girl that u were "heavily petting" the night before
I've had many dreams that involved the KH, usually I'm the center of attention, kind of like the odd one standing out
I also used to be deadly afraid of demons. On many occasions I was sure of their presence over me while I was sleeping, and I was so terrified that I couldn't even move. Later on I found out that what I was experiencing was called night terrors, where your brain is awake but your body isn't. Since I learned this, I've never ever again felt scared, and when I know I'm having an episode I just tap my fingers on my pillow. That immediately takes me out of it.
welcome ianybm!
one armageddon dream (more like an apocalyps dream) I had several times years ago - I'm at school and in the distance I see a nuke go off and I see the mushroom cloud. I know that a terrible energy impact and fire is on its way so I quickly start witlessing to the nearest person (a better thing to do woulda been spending my last minutes 'getting to know' some babe better lol). Anyway, I realize the blast is coming and dammit I do die! No pain, just nothingness and I wake up somewhat shaken.
Estella Bolger
I used to have a nightmare about Armageddon. That it had started and I was hiding because I knew that I would be one of the ones that gets struck down. I used to wake up in a cold sweat.
Double Edge
Hi Estella... welcome to the board!
re: Armageddon... nope, never had that kind of nightmare... but then again, I was never a dub. (I have experienced night terrors.... gastly )
First of all, welcome to new york bethel, tazmanian, and Estella!
The only nightmares I would have would be about tornadoes. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with armageddon or not.
in a new york bethel minute
The only nightmares I would have would be about tornadoes. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with armageddon or not.
probably not, since tornadoes are not one of the signs Jesus prophecied about while describing the last days. unless there is new light on that that i haven't heard of. maybe some greek word can be translated 'tornadoes.'