Can you add or subtract from the following list of introductory questions? The aim of the questions I'm looking for, is to determine the level of integrity of the Witnesses at your door.
If you didn't have the truth, would you want to know it?
Is it true that your religion had a link with the UN?
In your view, has your religion in the past, failed to protect children from pedophiles within your ranks?
Is higher education frowned on in your religion?
According to your religion, what is wrong with donating blood? Is it proper to benefit from immorally donated blood?
Before joining a religion, should a person limit themselves solely to studying the views of its' proponents?
Is there any honorable way out of your religion?
Will you believe everything that comes down from headquarters? Have you ever disagreed with some teaching handed down?
How would your religion advise parents to respond to a baptized family member who disagrees with some such teaching and will not be convinced otherwise? e.g. 607, or 1919
According to your religion, if a person belonged to a church other than yours, what would happen to him or her at Armageddon?