that any of you know of that teaches everlasting life on earth and emphasizes world unity (aka :won't go to war against another nation so they don't kill any of their own)? Kib
Is there another religion...
by kibizzle 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Isnt that what the 7th day adventist teach, that all the good people will go to heaven for while the earth lies desolate, then God will put life back on the earth the way it was originally, a paradise and everyone living in peace on earth. I think the capital will be in Jerusalem. I'm a little shaky and this is off the top of my head. I'll research it later unless someone knows for sure.
Jesus' return: The second coming of Christ is imminent. Believers should be ready at all times to be removed from earth to be with God in heaven; others will be destroyed by Christ. Righteous Christians who had previously died will be resurrected at that time and taken to heaven. For the following 1000 years, only Satan and his angels will be living on earth. A second resurrection will occur at the end of that period. The righteous will then return to a cleansed earth, and establish the New Jerusalem.
Good question kibizzle, and good homework Blondie!
In so many ways, the beliefs of JWs are not unique, despite JW assertions to the contrary. Of course, they will point out that they are the only group that believes the entire collection of their beliefs -- but that proves nothing.
It amounts to saying: "JWs are the only religion that believes.... exactly what JWs believe. Therefore JWs are the true religion." Of course, this is circular reasoning (a common logical fallacy).
Indeed, any and every religion of the world could say the same thing to equal effect.
Oh, and while we're talking about SDA, I would like to point out their pet belief, for which they criticize most other religions (including JWs) for being unfaithful: Keeping the Lord's day, the Sabbath, i.e. Saturday, holy.
Ha ha, JWs, they got you there, don't they! (Of course I'm be facetious, but I hope you get my point). -
When I was pioneering I ran into a family who believed those things. They also didn't believe in the Trinity. They said their church had no name, and they were all over the world.
I wonder now it they were the people called two by twos.
After the WT I went into the Two-by Two's ( or Reidites,or Coonyits) They dont have churches - they meet in homes or rented halls, Women do a lot of the preaching, the men go out as "workers" the woman must not cut their hair, no jewallry,They believe they are the TRUE faith..... Lovely folks, Have wacking great get to gethers on farms... Fabulous meals... lot of them take their trailers & stay for the "assembly""" I was offered a lovely little bunglow> free- On a private lot ( plane on the grounds, ) laake on the grounds. They thought God had sent me to preach...... LOL!!!!
I still see one of the elders in town at times,,,, he always give's me a big hug & when they find anyone studying with the JWs he brings them to me .......
Knows I am not into religion now- just a relationship.....
got my forty homey?
The Muslims are a peaceful people who preach getting along with other people's.
Anyone want to buy a Bridge from me? It connects downtown Manhattan to Jehovahs Paradise on earth!
I believe the Unification Church would also fit that criteria.
Founder Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986). Founded Worldwide Ch. of God (WCG) in 1934. WCG left his beliefs, but splinter groups still follow them. Writings New groups, often former WCG members, who follwo Armstrong's traditional teaching produce: The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine, Malachi's Message, Key of David TV program and others. God One infinite, eternal God. Traditional Armstrongism denies a Trinity, defining God as a "family of individuals." However, in 1995, WCG leaders officially accepted the Trinitarian concept of God and now accept biblical beliefs. Jesus Jesus is God incarnate (in human form). Armstrong suggested that Jesus would return to earth in 1975. Groups following Armstrong's original teachings (Global, Philadelphia, and United Churches of God) say Jesus was not resurrected physically and that he is the only one who has been born again. WCG believes that Jesus was raised spiritually and physically. Holy Spirit Armstrongism: Hoy Spirit is an impersonal force. WCG: Hoy Spirit is God, the third person of the Trinity. Salvation Salvation is by grace (the unmerited favor of God). Whereas Armstrong followers must recognize the Old Testament sabbath days, feast days, and dietary prohibitions, such as no pork, or shellfish, WCG has abandoned these beliefs. Death Armstrongism: Resurrected believers will live on the new earth. Unsaved will face judgement. Other Beliefs Groups like the Philadelphia Church of God and Church of God International still hold Armstrong's views such as deity for mankind, no immortality of the soul, no literal hell, no medical treatment, and Anglo-Israelism. Since Armstrong's death, WCG, which was formerly very cultic, has undergone many changes toward more biblical views Also, check this out.
Laymen's Home Missionary Movement - Leader: Raymond J. Jolly
Similar to the Jehovah's Witnesses, they deny the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ. "John 4:24 - God is a Spirit. Luke 24:39 - A Spirit hath not flesh and bones ... In the first place, God directly tells us that Jesus is now a spirit being" (Epiphany Studies in the Scriptures). "Trinitarians have grossly mistranslated and miscapitalized this passage to read their trinitarianism into it, as they have done in other cases. The proper translation shows that Christ is not Jehovah ... He is Jehovah's appointed Savior for the world, not Jehovah Himself." (Epiphany Studies in the Scriptures- Series 1).Second Adventist Movement - Founder: William Miller
Widespread trans-denominational movement of the 1830s made up of the followers of William Miller, who taught Jesus would return on October 22, 1844. Even after the Great Disappointment (the date's failure), a few of the remaining followers continued to believe. Some suggested revised chronologies and new dates eventually forming rival groups such as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Other remaining believers (Hiram Edson and Ellen G. White) suggested the 1844 date was accurate but a that a heavenly (thus invisible) event took place. These followers formed the Seventh Day Adventists which eventually spawned its own offshoots including the Worldwide Church of God and the Branch Davidians.The Way International - Leader: Victor Paul Wierwile
A very close counterfeit of Christianity. They believe in God, the Bible, Jesus Christ, salvation, and eternal life, but not the Trinity. Jesus is NOT God, and the Holy Spirit is a synonym for God (Jesus Christ is Not God, Victor Paul Wierwille). -
El blanko
According to a book I have on my lap, the Jews (during Jesus' earthly life) taught that the righteous would rise again into eternal life (Psalms of Solomon 3:16) into the 'garden of life' (1 Enoch 61:12).
Not sure if that is relevant to this thread, but it shows that the idea of an earthly hope was there. Unless the garden of life refered to a spiritual paradise.
I believe 'The Plain Truth Magazine' used to teach an earthly resurrection as well - a magazine I used to read about 20 years ago. I think that was a magazine produced by Herbert W Armstrong as well.
To be honest though, the JWs were the first organization I came across who really "stressed & laboured" this point and claimed unique ownership over the teaching.
Most 1st century Christians appear to have believed a change in state of being; death was the gateway to Christ. Through death came resurrection and a joining with the body of Christ in a spirit body. The hope appeared to be heavenly. Please correct me if I am wrong.
As allready mentioned here SDAs do beleive in the earth made new after the millenium.
Also traditionally SDAs have opposed war and have taken a concience objector position or have joined the military in non combat roles. However some do take combat roles beleiving in the just war principle.