Heheh, yeah. My mom used to tell me that.
Strange Situation
by Descender 14 Replies latest social relationships
1. You are still married. Have a little respect for what you once shared with your wife, and get a divorce before you try to get laid.
2. You still care for your wife. It's not fair to you, her, or this other woman, to try to start a new relationship before the last one is finished, I mean well and truly finished.
3. This young lady might be just wonderful, but I must warn you: I used to date a male stripper, and I had to dump him because he'd slept with half the women I worked with. When I mention this to people, those who have also dated strippers have reported the same thing. Apparently, they have an apparently deserved rep for being promiscuous.
My advice is, get that divorce, take time to heal, then find yourself someone wonderful. In that order.
In fairness to Descender.. his wife has flaunted the men in front of him.. she has not had any respect for him..
I have mixed feelings on what you give you advice Descender.. too much is at stake for you personally for me to try and persuade you one way or another.. if I say go out.. because you deserve it.. (which you do) but then even if she (your wife) is cool about it.. she ends up not being cool in the end and you close the one door, you aren't ready yet to have shut? .. then I dont' want to be responsible for what happens..
in my humble opinion, you deserve better than what you are getting in your relationship.. but if you are trying to still hope for a reconcile, I am not going to sit and judge you..
Oh.. and Elsewhere.. now why did I not find it surprising you might think that "threesome" was a possible option.. lol
I think Elsewhere is right. Perhaps your wife is trying to set up a three way, or seemingly giving the nod of approval your way to see this chick. But why???
One word of caution. You are still married. You obviously still love your wife. Either fix that relationship or end it before getting involved with someone else--even causually. Let's be honest here. You know where this is going to lead. Your wife may just be waiting to trap you as well, so she can get the divorce and charge you with adultery. It wouldn't be the first time.
Wanting to date a stripper huh? How coincidental. I have some advice.... PM me if you like, not going to post here on the thread....