<<The Memorial Service was conducted at a "Kingdom Hall" by a man that sodomized me when I was 8 years old. .>>
Was that a secret? Have you ever told anyone, like your mom? Was anything ever done about it? Anyway if you'd rather not comment on that aspect, I think it would be perfectly understandable.
Just had to ask. I'm sorry you had that experience. Hearing about those kind of things is still so shocking and makes me know how blind and sheltered I have been.
I think there are many JWs that will get much enlightenment when they go through the "veil". I had an elderly relative pass recently. This person was the first to become a witness and was responsible for succeeding generations to become JWs. I think this person may be feeling some kindly regret. Some people who have had near death experiences say that the Light--God--allows all the religions to exist as sort of training schools in ethics. But persons of special discernment usually leave the religions and go on to a deeper spirituality. God is completely compassionate and non-judgemental. Persons of this type begin to see things like God does... I don't know if that is true but I like to think it is. That sort of makes us the lucky ones....
I have had some rough and heartrending experiences in other ways. And it seems I am always surrounded by problematical people. Lately, I do think it some sort of spiritual education. Perhaps your experiences have made you more compassionate, careful, and more empathetic than others who have not experienced such things. Maybe you are a much more protective parent and this quality will be passed on to succeeding generations.