Donald's Family Secret documentary!!!!

by mouthy 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello Donald:

    I am so glad you were able to get your story on TV. I saw the program last night and am very impressed how you could show how deeply his abuse affected you and you are still working through it towards healing. The writing of your book, and the making of this program, I'm sure have been great leaps for you in your healing process. Even going out into the woods with your brother Ron to see his 10-year conservation project was difficult for you with its horrific memories, but commendably, both of you wanted to go see it for each other's sake.

    I remember from your book, that your brother Ron harboured deep anger from the abuse but it was nice to see how he is healing as well and he came across in the program as overcoming his anger.

    I am familiar with that area of the province and some other events you mentioned in your book. I remember years ago being horrified when I heard of the murder case in your congregation during that same time, and now to hear of the terrible abuse you and your family silently suffered during that same time period, is just eye-opening to say the least, to the corruptions of the WTS I once viewed as a pure, clean, safe haven.

    The WTS can say all it likes in trying to defend its lack of actions by saying, "how to handle abuse was not well-known at that time", but you made it very clear after the elders wouldn't do anything about it and sent you back home to your abuser, you finally got to realize it was a crime by reading "Ann Landers". Well if she knew it was a crime, it obviously was an established law, and the WTS should have been up on "Caesar's laws" at that time as much as they are today. Glen Howe was their champion lawyer and would have been very aware what the laws were, so that excuse cannot 'hold water' in my opionion.

    Thank you for your courage and your families' too, in talking so openly about your terrible ordeal in growing up. This is one more skeleton in the closet that is coming back to haunt the WTS for its failure to "take care of His sheep".

    Had Enough

  • morrisamb

    Had Enough, thanks so much for your wonderful post. When I think back to the time I sat and listened to an elder tell me he had not reported our abuse 'cause he didn't think it was against the law, I could scream. I'm all for educating Elders as well as most people on the planet...'cause the truth is 30 people knew about the abuse by the time I read the Ann Landers letter and if everyone didn't do anything, there's a lot of pie to go around, isn't there!

    It would be nice to get a letter some day in the mail with an apology from one of these's not gonna happen...well, after more than two decades, I'm not holding my breath. Oh, I did get a post card from my father a few years ago...telling me he FORGAVE me for all I had done to him!!

    It helps to have a sense of humour about such things...After working on this subject for so long, I've never felt so normal in my life. I have nothing to be ashamed of; hence the documentary, the book, the public speaking, etc.

    Besides, I get to meet great people like you!

  • morrisamb

    This is a response to someone who wrote me privately:

    It must have been strange for you to see Ronny and I travel back to the old Kingdom Hall...I've never seen or been to the new one they have. Don't even know where it is.
    I have added some new info in my second edition of Father's Touch. I thought it was important to change the names of the major players including Elders, because what happened is the point, not pointing fingers. Yeah, they were jerks...well, I've met just as many non-Witness jerks. I am no apostate. I hate that word anyway. It's like labelling people with a disease or something. It's a power/control word. People are human beings and I've met assholes from every religion. Witnesses don't own a market. In fact, I have more negative feelings about born-again Christians. Don't take offense if you are one, as i have met good people who are too, but they'd better not preach to me!! I heard enough about how I'm going to die from Mom's JW relgion and from my father's born-again bullshit sending me to hell. I want nothing to do with religion, yet find Christ and God so above it all. They must be so disgusted with so many of their so-called disciples no matter what faith they proclaim to be.
    When I said 30 people knew about the abuse I was including police, court officials lawyers, doctors etc.
    Life isn't fair and I'm lived long enough to be just happy I'm alive.
    Look, OJ Simpson is playing golf, Martha Stewart goes to jail and my father's partying in the Phillippines. Life's a bitch, isn't it!

  • morrisamb

    The responses to the documentary on Monday have been unbelievable..from across might find this one interesting... Hi Donald: My name is _________, and I live in Aylmer On. I worked as a secretary at EESS [until I retired].... During those years I worked in the Student Practice Office, Guidance and for many years in the Main Office at the front desk. I remember you as a very pleasant and clever young man. Who would have known what you were suffering. After the horrid court case I often wondered what became of you. For many years I often thought of you and prayed that you were safe and doing ok. (I don't want to babble on and take up your time, so I will make this short. ) A few weeks ago, I read your article in the Aylmer Express and found out you had written a book. I also watched your story on the W channel on Monday nite, and I must admit I cried through the whole show. You are a true survivor Donald and I admire what you are doing for others who have, or still are suffering sexual abuse. If your story stops the sexual abuse of just one child, you will know that your years of suffering were not in vain. As a person who loves children, to me Donald you are a hero. One of my main reasons for e-mailing you is to ask if your book will be available in bookstores in my area. ...I am also going to inquire and see if the library at EESS has a copy of your book. Would you please e-mail be back at ____________. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time Donald. Aylmer, On

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