Over the years a whole multitude of stupid or just plain illogical sayings have come from Kingdom Hall platforms.
Take this one as an example:
Brother so-an-so is encouraging the congregation to be fully occupied in congregation activity. You know the drum, don't you? Then he says: "The safest place is in the middle where Satan can't pick you off."
Now how stupidly illogical is that? By definition only a few of the congregation could be "in the middle". If all the congregation was "in the middle" there'd be no-one on the outside would there? In short, there must always be some "in the middle" and some "on the fringe". That's simple logic.
Also, of course, the R&F should thank the weak ones in their congregation for they occupy the fringe positions enabling the others to enjoy the safety of "the middle".
OK, what stupid sayings, illogical in nature, have you heard at the KH?
Please share.
Cheers, Ozzie