How would a JW answer , "Why does Jehovah allow children to be abused ?"

by run dont walk 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Ask a JW

    Why does Jehovah allow our children in the congregation to be abused (physically and sexually) by others in the Kingdom Hall ?

    Were not Children, the most important to Jesus and Jehovah ?

    how would they answer ???

  • Urbanparadise

    Probably with a load of crap as usual!

  • Kent

    Probably something like this:

  • blondie

    Probably the same answer as to this question:

    Why does God allow wickedness?


  • reboot

    Probably......'Jehovahs abhors the abuse and suffering of defenceless children.(sympathetic face)

    When awful things like this happen he hurts for them physically and feels the pain they are suffering.

    But since Satan was hurled to the earth there are wicked ones in this world who pray on the innocent,yes, even children.Unfortunately, just as we would allow our children to undergo a painful operation for later relief from a debilitating, life threatening condition; so, our loving heavenly father also allows pain and suffering to occur..UNTIL the time he sees fit to sort out mankind...

    After all dos'nt the bible warm us that in the last days' men will be lovers of men.....blah blah.. but in the New System all these things will be forgotten..would you like me to show you, from this book (show book-mention that it's freely given...) what Jehovah has in store for you and your family?'

  • Sassy

    More to the Point, why does Jehovah allow it right in the Kingdom Halls where the elders protect the accuser??

    They don't have an answer

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Sassy is right; they do not have an answer.

    But they will try to blame Satan and his influence and turn the argument around. Any good pioneer would be able to overcome that objection and provide a good intro into a bible study.

  • allpoweredup

    Often elders are themselves the perpetrators of the abuse.

    Watchtower Society, WHO watches your Watchers? Don't claim your elders catch all the molestors when they themselves are often the molestors.

  • kls

    They answer this way" all the stuff you read about Jehovah witnesses are not true, it is our faith being tested and it is apostates lieing against us,if some of these things are true, Jehovah is weeding out the bad . These words come straight from a active jw, my husband.

  • bebu
    More to the Point, why does Jehovah allow it right in the Kingdom Halls where the elders protect the accused??

    A better question, I agree.

    Perhaps an even better one would be,

    "Why does "God's Channel" allow (in all senses of the word) children to be abused in KHs, and let elders protect the accused?


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