Astronomy: Three Dates: A Young Witness

by Duncan 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hi Duncan,

    I thought I would rescitate this thread today. I went to view the transit at Astley Hall in Chorley, not far from where Jeremiah Horrocks observed the transit in the 17th century.

    We have certainly had an interesting few years of comets and eclipses.


  • LittleToe

    Sadly it's too overcast here. I missed the story, the first time around, though, so thanks for bttt'ing it, Rusty

  • Duncan

    Thanks for the bttt, Rachel.

    I already posted two follow-up threads to this, including a picture of the transit that I took in my garden this morning. Nathan Natas also started another thread.

    Were there many people in Astley Hall? On the TV coverage from Greenwich and other places it looked like there were thousands of people all viewing away. Papers'll be full of pictures tomorrow, I guess.


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