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what do you consider cheating?
by Azalo 56 Replies latest social relationships
franklin J
former American President Bill Clinton may have some thoughts on this one....
Cheating: anything that I'd have to hide from my wife in order to stay married.
Perfect Answer Dan-O.. if you need to hide it.. you feel guilty about something..
my wife and I have different ideas, obviously, so her's tend to rule the day.
I have the same view point as some other posters, anything that is hidden, I consider cheating....
Yep, if it's anything you would not do in front of your spouse it's cheating. If you do it in front of your spouse and they don't mind or they join in, well.......that's a whole other thread!
That's the way it has been from the beginning, Czar. Consider the following conversation ...
Eve: Adam, I brought you an apple.
Adam: Thanks, Sugar Plum! But ... didn't God say that we shouldn't eat these? That we would die?
Eve: Adam, just eat the freakin' apple. Who are you gonna listen to? God, or the woman who gave you a wake-up hummer this morning?
Adam: *crunch* Say! These apples sure are tasty!
I have the same view point as some other posters, anything that is hidden, I consider cheating....
I agree to a certain extent. However there are somethings best kept quiet. For example a guy gives me his number. I simply throw it away and thats the end of it. If I tell my hubby hes gonna start with the questions. As long as i didnt do anything I dont want him doing to me, I think I am fine.