Ok funny question....I have a friend who used to get to the meeting drunk as a skunk sometimes and he'd play it off nicely. I do know of a couple of times he came stoned too. Anyone here ever do that, or knew someone who did???
Anyone ever been to the meeting drunk or stoned???
by New Castles 17 Replies latest jw experiences
We had an elder regularly do his parts under the influece of wine., Italian wine. His parts were funny and good!
I went to a meeting the "day after" tripping on home grown potent magic mushrooms,, I took 3.5 grams of freskly dried shrooms and six caps of crushed serian rue,,which should and did cause ego death that lasted about 4 hours or more. The next day I went to the service meeting and got arrested for not leaving the property when told to by the elders.
I wouldn't do shrooms more than once every 3 or 2 years,, it leaves you very different,,for a long time,,I was crying for things as insignificant as dead trees,. I think it helped me,, but it caused my head to spin terribly as sort of a flash back,, which made me so I couldn't move very fast because they would cause my head to start spinning. It eventually stopped after a few weeks.
About a year ago, I reconnected with an old JW friend who became inactive. When I was in my early teens, his family was sent to Ecuador where "the need was great". While he was down there, he would go to the meetings, work the literature desk, and do the accounting stoned. Apparently, some of the brothers down there are drug dealers. The elders' daughters are mostly sluts.
About a year before we stopped going to meetings, I was taking antidepressants and tranquilizers for the panic attacks I'd get when going out in public (meetings at the KH and assemblies were the worst triggers for my panic attacks). Normally one pill (0.5 mg of Ativan) would be enough to get me through a meeting at the KH. But assembly time came around and I was so stressed out that I needed to take 2 mg every 4 hours just to keep myself from going insane during the sessions.
Oddly enough, once we stopped going to meetings, I stopped having panic attacks and stopped being depressed.
Love, Scully
it leaves you very different,,for a long time,,I was crying for things as insignificant as dead trees,
So it brings out the female side outta ya?
I remember at Beth-hell during the gilead graduations everyone got drunk, even the GB's. It was really funny seeing Ted Jaracz getting all flushed and goofy during the graduation lunch. I've only been stone cold drunk twice in my life (where I was vomitting like a waterfall) and one of those times was at Bethel. Bethel wasn't all bad after all.
Doubtfully Yours
I know of a couple of guys that have a serious drinking problem, but don't know for a fact that they've ever gone to the meetings a bit tipsy.
Drinking problem among the Hispanic JWs is rampant, even elders!!!
At one of my last talks - TMS or Announcement, I do not really remember ;-) - I had drunk some wine and was not really sober. I do not know if anyone noticed. But I remember that my wife shook her head. :-)
It was at a hard time when I had to make that decision to leave. But somehow I did not really cared if they noticed my "spirit". ;-) -
I have in the past went to some meetings with a few cocktails, not drunk but feeling fairly happy! After Nodenial and I married he started not going to the meetings and it freaked me out, especially since his wedding vow included: I want to serve Jehovah with you. Now, my first husband cheated on me and said the reason he cheated was because he was "spiritually weak and not attending all the meetings", I was assuming Nodenial was becoming like my ex. I started to feel very scared and felt like I was going to relive my "painful empy past."
A year ago, when Nodenial and I learned the "truth" about the truth and had just relocated (anyone here know what it is like to make a major move and learn the "truth" about the truth and feel so empty you wished you were dead?)...we were at the Memorial...I was totally loaded with NOdenial's favorite beverage (lol)...I was in so much emotional pain...kinda embarassing for me to even confess this...as I have always been a very "together" person.