Boy did I get a laugh! I just read a few paragrphs from an older publication from the society. It's called "The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth" written in 1945....pages 24-27
After Armageddon....dubs will be assigned WHERE they will live.....they can't choose their spot. They will be assigned by elders instead of the society......just like you are assigned which assembly you are to attend. Their lives will be run by the Organisation.....just like it is now.
Take a look at the lunacy in the writers words.
"The meek ones surviving the battle of Armageddon will realize that all the land is the Creator Jehovah's. They will appreciate, too, that Christ Jesus, the Seed of Abraham, is Jehovah's Heir, and that he holds the land for its Creator, his Father. The disposal of all the land therefore rests within Christ the King's hands. He must determine who shall be settled upon it, and where. Instead of wildly and greedily rushing forth, leaning to their own understanding, the meek will wait upon the King and his visible princes in the earth to locate them and assign them their portion in the land. They will not be able to buy it from Him with mammon or money, putting up a better price for it than some other bidder. They will gladly accept the grant of land that the King graciously makes to them. When Jehovah God in ancient days settled the nation of Israel in the Promised Land of Palestine, he aided them by his miraculous power to dispossess the wrongful, wicked occupiers thereof, the religious demon worshiping heathen. He thrust out the Canaanites, who were gross violators of God's law. In their place he located the Israelites who kept covenant with him. The religious worshipers or false gods were not let possess the land, but those who worshiped the true and living God Jehovah were planted in the land. When the time came for dividing up the land between the twelve tribes and for locating the many families of the nation in the God-given land, the matter was not left to individual choice. Purchasing power played no part. The land distribution was determined by Jehovah God their Theocratic Ruler, either by directly stated assignments of land or by the casting of lots which was supervised by Jehovah's power and wisdom. (Numbers, chapter 34; Joshua chapters 14-20) Thus the chosen people of God were settled according to the divine will, and no discrimination and unrighteousness was put across on the people.
The meek ones will each regard his grant of land as a sacred trust from Jehovah God through his reigning King Christ Jesus, and they will endeavor to hold it in faithfulness. Each one will recognize his responsibility to The Higher Powers, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, for his use of his plot of land; and he will tend it and seek to keep it in proper condition to God's glory".
So then......if any of you greedy bastard dubs are out there thinkin your gonna make it big in real estate in the New better think again.